"In all serious" - American television crime drama, which was broadcast from January 20, 2008 to September 29, 2013 via the AMC cable channel.
In all serious - American television series about a cancer patient chemistry teacher Walter Wyte, who is engaged in the manufacture of methamphetamine for the sake of ensuring the future of his family.
Materials: pencils, colored pencils, black pen.
thank you )
nice work
Thank you )
nice work i do also drawing you can check my blog to see it if you want i gived you an upvote and followed you
Thank you )
Hi @hanter, nice art by the way. You won't believe , this was the first TV series I ever watched. Till date it's the best show I've ever watched. :)
upvoted and followed.kindly check my blog @rahul516. I write series review and fitness stuff. Follow if you like it.
Good job Hanter. You have a good hand