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RE: Odinism

in #art7 years ago

My first foray into mythology was Indian, Greek and then Roman (Greek and Roman have blurred a lot into each other). I went to Norse mythology a little late but found it equally fascinating if not more.

These days what little people know of Norse mythology, is from the Marvel comics movies like 'Thor'. Not surprisingly the mythological world of the Norse in the movies is far different from what I have read.

Odin now a day's is merely portrayed as a powerful king ............ people truly have forgotten of the mythical one eyed wanderer with Huginn and Muninn over his shoulder.


Greek mythology was my first read around the age of 10 or 12 years, I fell in love with the Golden Apples, the Golden Fleece, and the story of Agamemnon a Great King with a dysfunctional family. I realized my family wasn’t the only one that had issues ...hahaha 💀

LOL! the link that you gave..........I know its tragic and all but some of the things these people did were just so outrageous that you can't help but laugh :D

I think myths are teaching stories, I have learned a lot reading them as a child😉 we are just as outrageous as all our myths, take the people in the news, Loki has been playing with our news media....hahah