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RE: Diet Progress and Country Cottage (WIP)

in #art7 years ago

Holy shit! That is too much pain for me to understand. I can only try to guess............
I understand that graveness of your injuries and illness will obviously force you to be more serious about your health but in the end it would take more resolve than most can muster.............. RESPECT!


The only thing worse than this kind of back pain is having a kid (18 years of suffering) I had 3 plus a bonus kid I didn't have to push out into this world (stepdaughter) hahaha

Pancrase and gallbladder attack are the worst, way worse than a migraine, which is part of the attacks (I drank too much homemade wine). I made my own wine back in 2013, like 12 gallons and became a functional drunk for one year! I also gained a lot of weight. That's when I figured out alcohol and sugar are not my friends. We had a bunch of blackberries and grapes on our little hobby farm, and I became an expert at making wine and gardening while drunk. I had 1/2 acre garden and sold about 100 pullets a year from incubator to a young hen. My chickens paid for themselves, and we had at least 70 roos we butchered and canned for the winter.

I am an expert on how to deal with pain and not go crazy.

Live and learn that's all we can do here on this freaky planet and life is very painful so learn how to deal with it correctly! Don't do drugs <3