After the hectic drone life, try to find a normal pace, and be in a normal place! Not the 9 to 5 job life, that is alien to me. Normal would be just being able to take care of yourself. Have the time and space to eat, cook, read, play and socialize! To come down off of the fast paced nose to the grindstone lifestyle. Detox it all!! Detox Western Culture!
To still be a busy bee to address the issues and save the bees! Get rid of cell phone towers and pesticides completely! Envision a new world where the troll con-trollers are no longer in control! Bring the streets back to the garden for the Neo Hippy Revolution. Everyone in Earthships and growing hemp! Get to it!
Go for the biggest dreams and the most fantastic schemes! To really live and live it up free!! The energy unleashed to bring lasting peace. Through the confusion right to solutions. No more waste culture. No more mass garbage and pollution. We can do it. Heal the world and get life better. Through the trippiest details I encounter and build my counter arguments to well weather.
The culture was stuffy and dry and there are those suffering from it. With true being we don't need to be medicated. To know what is worth it to say I'm dedicated. Not to a hollow cause but to a human expression that strikes awe and gives pause.
This artwork is very inspiring!
Wel done and smart work my dear friend..
Cheers~~~Winderful and colorful artwork collection by @havok777
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this is very desgusting grapicys desine i hate it but i know its need to hard work.....
Wow!!!!! Great artwork......
thanks for sharing......Best of luck....
I'm inspired by your today's artwork,
there will be no talk,
extraordinary artwork,
thanks for sharing
great job. this artwork is very beautiful.
What'a fantastic art man.Keep it up.
wow!this amazing art,,i like it..thanks for sharing this of luck.
Nice colors
I really like the sunburst style ones, great images!
Excellent art
Just awesome art... 😍 thaks a lot for sharing 👍☺
Excellent cool stuff you have...✌ just incredible 👌 thanks a lot for sharig 👍☺