Swizterland, Austria and Liechenstein. Drawn map

in #art6 years ago

The Alps.. Such a beautiful mountain range. I personally love mountains. And I love the countries owning it. Swizterland and Liechtenstein, with their large wealth, and Austria, with their art. Truly lovely countries that I decided to draw from the request of 3 different people on my instagram account.

In the Alps, and any mountanious region, the suns rises later and sets earlier, due to the tall mountains blocking the sunlight. The sun is not visible, yet the skies remain blue, and there is still some light. It feels just like a cloudy day in the flatlands. In these times, it's great to have a walk. The air feels clean and cool, and it's a real pleasure to breathe. Even if in some mountains the lack of oxigen makes it hard, i would say it's better than the densely polluted city air. In summer, specially, the Alps are truly a pleasure to be in. You get to sleep like an angel, with the pretty cold wind flowing in the window while you're covered by a blanket. I really recommend anyone to go, at least for a couple of days to the Alps.
And don't make me talk about the winter. Altrough the climate is harsh, it's actually perfect for skiing. It's always snowy, and there are lots of station to choose from. All over Austria, Italy, Swizterland, Liechenstein and France. Truly an enjoyable experience. One downside is, it rains often. Specially in the valleys, there is some sort of microclimate that makes rains very common. But hey, rains in the Alps aren't like in the city. In the city, it feels dirty and unpleasant. In the mountains however, at least I personally feel very good. Truly enjoyable to go outside for a walk after the rain.

For someone who enjoys cold, the Alps are for you.

Historically, the Alps were also a very important factor. Cultures were separated by the alps and developed on their own. These are the Italian, German and French cultures. The Alps always prevented invasions, or made them harder. The romans, for example, had a hard time crossing the Alps to beat carthage. Even nowadays, an (unlikely) invasion from France to Italy would be impossible. The Alps create a great defense aganist invaders, and this is why Austria, Swizterland and Liechtenstein are nearly impossible to invade.

The Alps is also the birthplace of the Po river, the most important river on Italy, of the Rhine, and of the Danube, as well as partially of the Rhone in France.

Amazing countries!