Thank you so much! I have not been spending as much time with me blog since having a baby, but you’ve confirmed that I may need to start putting a bit more time into writing my posts. For instance, I actually picked the frogmouths because they reminded me of my cute (albeit annoying) Furby’s from childhood. I wrote the post so fast that o totally forgot to put that in :(.
(Also, I have another time lapse coming coming down the pipeline. Ripley REALLY slows those down, though, so I can only work on them over the weekend.)
I really appreciate the advice and will do my best to start implementing the suggestions you gave. I mostly just need to slow down and give myself a bit more time to write the posts.
Thank you again.
wow! nice sketching and Amazingly cute looking
Thank you! I can’t take all the credit, though. They’re already pretty cute to begin with. :)