Chinese Artists - Why are they so damn good?

in #art7 years ago

( The pictures used here are not my creation , i'm using these only for educational purposes )

Hi Guys 

So if you Don't know then let me tell you that some of my most favourite artists and idols are from my neighbouring country i.e China , and i was always fascinated by their artworks they posted on Artstation and DeviantArt

But there was something which used to question myself a lot! They all had a very similar look and approach to any painting they did , their Art style , Rendering quality and colours they used were very very similar , i mean i would not be able to tell which Chinese artist made this art if someone asked me right away , and i can show u some of my favourite idol works 

My main inspiration has always been :- Ruan Jia , Fenghua Zhong , Wei feng etc 

and now i'll show you some of their artworks 

These two are by "Ruan Jia"

This one is by "Fenghua Zhong"

 And this one is by "Wei Feng"

So as you can see that their works looks very damn awesome ( of course xD ) , and also looks very painterly / traditional 

and i always wanted to be like them so i started studying about their past young life in china and some of the system in China .

First of all what i found was that "Chinese People Are Really Really Hardworking" , that maybe also indirectly depends on the Financial stability of their country , But have your ever noticed that most of the items have this text at the back " Made in China " , i guess you did , it's because workers works there more than usual 9-10 hours per day , and i also found that they respect Artistic background of their children a lot , they want their children to be good at one or more thing like Art , Music , Dance etc etc . which also makes them very disciplined ( although forcing someone to do something is not great but that's a totally different topic xD so we won't talk about that anyway ) 

So these were some observation and research i did about their culture and history and now let's get back to their art ,

There is something  which is very common in all these artists , i.e Great Colour Choices! , Great Rendering , Great Composition & Great Values! . There's also something that i noticed is that they are like traditional painters painting digitally because you can clearly see that they rarely use any "Too Vivid" or Bright colours , their painting looks like someone reduced the Brightness or something , But that's what makes them a true traditional painters ! The way they use Light and dark values are impressive , especially in the case of Ruan Jia . what he does sometimes is , he totally hide the stuff which isn't important to look at with dark grey values or totally Black . Which leads your eyes to the main focal point as well! 

These are some of my research i did on their paintings , and actually i'm trying to be like them as well , cause nothing inspires me more than the beauty of their paintings , it's just inhuman to me , " THEIR SKILLS ARE OVER 9000! "

So Guys There are no secret to become a better artist! As i've told u , They are really Damn Hardworking! 

and yeah remember this as well " Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard enough "

Thanks a lot for reading Guys :D , Next post will come soon ;)



Agreed. Not just their artist, their web novelist are also so damn goood. XD

YEA exactly!