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RE: How To Tell A Story Through Your Characters

in #art7 years ago

I am not a good painter from any perspective you want to look at me, and I don't have any sort of design experience you can think of.

At school it wasn't a rare event that a drawing of mine would get a huge penmade black cross on top of it from the teacher.
But while reading your post, and the advices from awesome designers like Mr. Mercier, I couldn't stop thinking about all the hours I spent playing Pokémon in my childhood.
And I couldn't stop comparing in my head characters like this: 250px-006Charizard.png
or this:
Glorious Pokémons from the first generation, with their smoking beauty and charisma...
like this guy here: 250px-618Stunfisk.png
or the ice cream: 250px-584Vanilluxe.png

or the drunktard dragon: 250px-780Drampa.png

I mean WTF just happened in fifteen years?
What happened to humanity?
Where's the "little spark" in those characters?
Why the designers (and Nintendo) didn't consider the fact that we, first adopter fans, would have eventually grown up a little bit? lol


Yeah I felt the same after Gold/Silver....Still playing the Blue version on GBC x) at the same time the shapes of those pokemons are still recognizable =)

lol yeah, I mean until the 3rd generation my brain was swallowing every kind of innovations in the game, even with heart fish pokémon like ludvisc or legendary toilets like registeel.
After that it became even, let's say...worse:)