
This for everyone.

Thank you for your kind information brother, it is really wise thinking to invest on our own post for making more profit, but this is not going to happen all the time, there have very probability to loose our money, if we unable to notice our The Rio percentage, this happen for the newbie on this platform, some we also doing some mistake, there have another important issue, when you are going to purchase a vote from any voting bot, from, don't be exited by seeing profitable Rio percentage, Just go to the details and calculate the current Voting percentage then make the decision how much you are going to be invest, also calculate one after your investment the what will be the Rio of this voting bot, If it is negative please don't do this.

Brother, i am not talking about profit, i am talking about don't loss money. if the bot is already full, don't add the huge bid in last. this is for everyone. you have lots of steem, i am happy and i wish you will earn more but what about small content creator who want to promote their post with minimum amount.

Hey brother don't take it seriously, i know that you are talking about loss, you share something with you i also add something. That's all, if you mind. i'm so sorry.

Hi @imransoory

Thank you for your great information