Today is the First Day of my 2nd Tattoo Apprenticeship

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Blue Rose Tattoo Shop, Thornton, CO

I started my 1st Tattoo Apprenticeship back in March of 1991. I was mentally, not prepared for what awaited me. At that time, tattooing was only recently legal in New York City, and so, shops still had to claim alleagence to either the Hell's Angels or the Pagans, where I lived upstate in Woodstock, NY.


My early lineage comes from Pat Sinatra via Shotsie in North Haledon, NJ.

I tattooed for about 3 years after that apprenticeship but was not stable enough to commit to it back then.

The school of hard knocks, called life, here in corporate federal Colorado has brought me back around to see the error of my ways. I needed to figure out a trade that I can do that pays me some cash so that I can spend most of my time doing what I want to do - and I can live low - I don't need to make a ton... so after about the last 5 years bouncing around retail from Home Depot to now - caregiving - I have decided to go back to groveling for a tattoo apprenticeship. It's no worse than what I am doing in these stupid jobs...
this is a calf-piece I did back then
In this apprenticeship, I just need to practice my line-work and get my color-packing back up to speed. I will get a bunch of guinea pigs together to work on. It should take between 3 months to a year to get back where I want to be. I will have to tolerate a bunch of BS as that is the nature of a tattoo apprenticeship -egos... so that will likely be the most aggravating part of it. I will be posting about my experience with I go.


Best wishes on your 2nd apprenticeship 🤘🏽
Sometimes it's hard to swalow critique, especially in the creative sector, but if you have a good teacher you can definitely get some good lessons from a veteran, but mostly, just gonna have to tattoo a lot ✊🏽

yes - and WHERE to get the bodies - the first time I did this, they were lining up - this time - they have not showed up yet.

Wow, that is a beautiful piece. Good job landing the apprenticeship! I look forward to seeing the work you put out:) Godspeed, @in2itiveart!

Hey longtime dude...thanks for the good wishes- I think I’ll make a sigil

I have been keeping busy with school, but I recently started doing my mage videos again and am trying yo get back to communicating with the community. How have you been keeping up?

Oh yes! But all new people. I have not been talking to @antonchanning or his wife or @jphenderson at all - I think @jphenderson moved to bulgaria to be with that girl he met on here... @patelchenko I think her name was... I try to post once a day and also comment at least 10 posts. I have been doing a controversial topics art contest the last few months... and we have had a few steemit meetups from people around CO. I went to a couple of those... congrats on being in school!

So many new folk! Yeah, I have not spoken with any of them either. @theoccultconner is the only one I have stayed in touch with.

Great job kerping up with posting and commenting, its a lot of work! I hope it has been working out in your favor:)

Well YEs - steemians have helped me with doing art and also with a master cleasne I did for 17 days and also becomming vegan - I don't have people who live near me that could help me with that stuff... so it's mutually benefitial for sure.

That is great! Way to go! I'm glad to hear that you have been finding so much success! cheers loudly Hehe!

I lived in upstate NY! all over NY really. thats cool. im glad you are back on the horse my friend!

Where in NY did u live? I lived in NYC and Woodstock.

Best of luck with your apprenticeship!