WoW fan art original drawing series - Deathwing dragon in liners (process inside)

in #art7 years ago

Hi guys! 

Today I'm sharing the new artwork I created yesterday. Seems like at the moment I really stuck in WoW fan art, but well, it's not a bad thing. In this drawing made my first attempt to use the same materials as @elenasteem in some of her sketches, we had a conversation is chat and I asked her about them cause I really loved the effects. Elena did her art on cupboard, but I had no cupboard so I finally understood for what I have bought a sketchbook with craft paper. I knew it was a reason for it!:)

So, sepia liner and white liner on a craft paper, witch already had it's own pleasant tone:

And here are some process shots:

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber


как ты успела нарисовать его =)
ты мне очень много времени уделяешь , и рисовать успеваешь, еще и кушать готовишь.
мы метеор. хаха
невероятный дракон! так ты теперь забросишь планшет?

Ага, щас. Я ж его за бешенные бабки купила именно для того, что бы забросить)) Не-не-не, цифра со мной навсегда, тем более что у меня 80% клиентов цифровые.
А успеваю просто. У меня хроническая бессонница)))))

я не умею рисовать цифровые рисунки. Можно от тебя заразится бессонницей ? =)

Нет, судя по всему, муж спит как положено)) А надо?)

Fantastic - incredibly detailed. The paper you are using .. it's called 'Craft paper'?

The sepia I definitely appreciate.

Upvoted your post, as I like it so much

Yes, it's a craft paper. Thank you:)

nice drawing, keep up the good work !!

😍😍😍😍Your the best my friend @inber

Btw, If you have time I hope you can visit my blog to provide comments and support on the post titled The Uniqueness of Aceh Coffee Shop with a Charming Wall Painting


Greetings from Aceh-Indonesia


Are ALL pictures in the post yours?

No, I cant painting. But I like a paiting

I mean photos. Did you take all of them, every single one?

Of course @inber

Great:) I'll go and vote then:)

Many thanksOke, I waiting for you in my blog @inber.

Beautiful, amazing details.

Thank you:)

nice work...make a photo copy ,it will be your lifetime copy as Kraft Paper has a very short lifespan...your art deserves good paper!Art supply stores sell toned paper as's not cheap,but neither is your talent.

I know that all, and have good paper as well. But this one remains sketchdrawing:) Just to relax. So I decided to use craft:)

incredible artwork, incredible dragon paintings, your imagination in extraordinary painting... great post @inber

I said that I used Deathwing as a reference

Really i love your post

Thank you, I'm happy to hear it:)

Very effective tone on tone drawing. I love it. Beautiful dragon. You are a very talented artist @inber. I can honestly say that there isn't any of your art that I don't like.

Thank you so much:)

I can see why. She's quite talented

Wow. Incredible illustration! Resteemed without hesitation! All the best on your personal endeavours. You have a lot of courage!

Thank you:)

This artwork is fantastic😍 You're very talented

Thank you!:)

вау! Ничего себе! Мне очень нравится дракоша.
сколько времени тебе понадобилось?

Спасибо, и за то, что надоумила тоже)) Часа полтора)))
Я правда решила все-таки на крафте делать, с картоном дома напряженка)