¡That is Jack! Or... ¡What a JackAss!
Who are You?
I see you
That I know you
It´s you
That I see you
That you show me
That we try bringing us closer
To communicate us
And you say
Follow me
That I go
Without knowing
¡It is art!
That you are ugly
I can see you
And you keep yourself
Your wilderness
Unrestrained and violent
My wilderness
Clear all inside me
We don’t understand
We leave it be
We begin
And we leave
Walking by
You play
I laugh
You mock me
I response
It´s lovely
But intense
We fight
For real
We play
I through water at your face
You calm down
But you keep
I get closer so I can say
You must stop
And you
As an Ugly
Cross over
My pussy
With your finger
I push you back
I protest
You watch me over
I am furious
I response
I get the fuck out of there
And remember
That you are taking
All my gifts
I turn back
I demand them
I beg for them
My gifts
Are my friend´s
They are my gifts
They are mine
You want
To make me yours
I fight back
And I strip your
Commemorative badges
From your chest
I threaten
My gifts are mine
Or this badges shit
My mouth will never leave
And that likes you
That I see it
And you threaten
That you´ll leave
I prepare
And you stay
My gifts are finally mine
I promise
Walk with you and then leave you one last time
We accept it
You give me back my gifts
You decide
To go away
And I win
But you ugly man
You follow me
You inclosed me
I threaten you
To my owns
I will go
You blench
And you leave me
But by the shadows
You chase me
You finally find me
You stick to me
You wallow in me
And you talk to me
Some shit
¿That I hit you?
¿That I answer you?
You keep talking
I see myself
On the green
Of the rivers
I surrender to
The green of my spirit
You exist no more
You are no more
You are no more
I come back
You´re not there
I stand up
Say goodbye
You show up
And with witnesses
I kill you