[art] Portrait Cool When Honey Shower Man

in #art8 years ago

An artist must continue to work. But his work must be full of innovations to be different from the works of other artists. The hope, with the style of anti-mainstream, his work more ogled by art lovers.

Blake Little, get a good idea of ​​this. He then made artistic work in which humans posed with honey wrapped. The coolest results!

Let's see what the results are: D

  1. Calm pose, as glue glue ya?
  2. The baby was seen to be a cool photo object with a bandage of honey.
  3. Hair model so cool huh?
  4. Athletic bodies and tattoos, increasingly masculine
  5. What is not sticky beard ya?
  6. This is when people with obesity dibaluri honey ..
  7. Need a really precise moment, let honey do not trigger sliding down ..
  8. Last nih

    Cool really xD


so beautiful photography thank you for sharing @insideeesteem

Okey you welcome guys

Great post, nice photos and I love your photo! @insideeesteem

Thank you so much sis..

Beautiful! @insideeesteem

Serious.. Thank you sis 😍😍😍

Nice shoot..

Thank you so much for visiting

I love it

Yes.. Thanks for you

Beutifull Picture

I like you picture..

Good post follow me back