one of my habits is reading poems, and my favorite poet is Hafez who has many poems in Persian. in this series I am going to publish his poems(one per day) with the translation of the ghazal, I hope you enjoy it and support me if you would like to see more of it.
the translation is done by me

الا یا ایها الـساقی ادر کاسا و ناولـها
که عشق آسان نمود اول ولی افتاد مشکلها
O beautiful wine-bearer, bring forth the cup and put it to my lips
Path of love seemed easy at first, what came was many hardships.
بـه بوی نافهای کاخر صبا زان طره بگـشاید
ز تاب جعد مشکینش چه خون افـتاد در دلها
With its perfume, the morning breeze unlocks those beautiful locks
The curl of those dark ringlets, many hearts to shreds strips.
مرا در منزل جانان چه امـن عیش چون هر دم
جرس فریاد میدارد که بربندید مـحـمـلها
In the house of my Beloved, how can I enjoy the feast
Since the church bells call the call that for pilgrimage equips.
بـه می سجاده رنگین کن گرت پیر مغان گوید
کـه سالک بیخبر نبود ز راه و رسم منزلها
With wine color your robe, one of the old Magi’s best tips
Trust in this traveler’s tips, who knows of many paths and trips.
شـب تاریک و بیم موج و گردابی چنین هایل
کـجا دانـند حال ما سبکـباران ساحـلها
The dark midnight, fearful waves, and the tempestuous whirlpool
How can he know of our state, while ports house his unladen ships.
همـه کارم ز خود کامی به بدنامی کشید آخر
نـهان کی ماند آن رازی کز او سازند محفلها
I followed my own path of love, and now I am in bad repute
How can a secret remain veiled, if from every tongue it drips?
حضوری گر همیخواهی از او غایب مشو حافظ
مـتی ما تلق من تهوی دع الدنیا و اهملـها
If His presence you seek, Hafiz, then why yourself eclipse?
Stick to the One you know, let go of imaginary trips.