"A cyanometer (from cyan and -meter) is an instrument for measuring 'blueness', specifically the colour intensity of blue sky. It is attributed to Horace-Bénédict de Saussure and Alexander von Humboldt. It consists of squares of paper dyed in graduated shades of blue and arranged in a color circle or square that can be held up and compared to the color of the sky." - Wikipedia
"227년전에 만들어진 하늘의 푸르름을 측정하는 툴, 일명 Cyanometer. 스위스의 physicist Horace-Bénédict de Saussure, 그리고 독일 출신의 naturalist Alexander von Humboldt가 1789년에 개발하였다. 총 53개의 섹션으로 이루어져있다." - 색감
It's so beautiful.
This is my digital sketch.
* Ai Download: http://d.pr/f/76w
nice :) !
Thank you ;)