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RE: Cat on the roof - starry night and Moon of cheese (my new artwork in colored pencils technique, process shots inside)

in #art7 years ago

My thoughts are that I immediately focused on the glass helmet on the kitty because I usually notice cats sitting in a window, observing the outside world. The cat's location on a roof is a strategic location for an observer and the odd quizzical eyes reference their curiosity. For not being a cat owner you have captured the essence of the feline character. I like it. ps. I started following you because of your 10 minute rant about Steemit and I'm not sure if I want to commit for my projects.


Not sure that I understood the last sentence, could you please explain? English is my second

I'm new to Steemit and I'm also starting to pursue videography and producing content to put online in a collection of different topical series as they relate to touring my part of the planet. Of course I have concerns of my work being compromised by spending too much time with Social Media posting, outright theft of my copyrighted work, etc. I'm not sure if I want to continue down this path on Steemit, other Social Media services, or just build a personal website so I have total control of my content and ability to "funnel" traffic to revenue generating streams like affiliate marketing. Maybe I'm like the kitty in your art with eyes as wide as the skies. I hope that doesn't come across as being too cryptic. Your English skills are fine and I understand my role to be as clear as possible. Thank You for taking the time to respond.