@Winstonalden - thank you SO much for the support I genuinely do appreciate the re-steem! My followers are growing but the interraction has been dropping - so every little bit DOES help!
Thank you for recognizing the efforts that went into this - I spent all day the next day after we spent several hours capturing these fun images - editing and creating the fun gifs. I was hoping people would think they were cool.
Yes, I have done the tradiitional darkroom photography course in College where you have to do a lot of night photography and boy was it tricky 12 years ago when I only had my film SLR. I struggled. But now, digital has really helped me to understand the physics behind what is happening with each adjustment - and it really helps to solidify the concept of what I am trying to achieve with each setting. Thank God - whoever invented the Digital Camera definitely gets a ticket to heaven - or whatever awesome place they feel they go to when they leave here - lol!
I remember the contour drawings in Figure Drawing - I was such a nerd that I used to go to the Figure Drawing club sessions outside of regular classes because I love drawing people so much. The exercises they would have us do were really fun and definitely invited a lot of expression in the drawings which was fun to see - usually we all tend to be so rigid - so perfect (another thing digital art has opened and relieved from the artist's worry).
Thanks for taking the time to read and review - I appreciate your support!! :D
The digital can be so liberating, can't it?
It's the same with writing. We used to have to keep a wastepaper basket ready for our bad ideas. Now we have the "delete" key.
LOL I know - or whiteout so you could re-type over it with the type-writer :) I used to love using my mom's