Hi !
Happy Friday ! I just logged out of my work desk a little while ago and now it's PARTY ON !!! .... the weekend is here !

In my never ending journey to dejunk my entire house (do I say that every post now ??? OMGoodness ! does it ever end??).... I will eventually come across everything I still own. It's a lot.... a lot of junk that is....ha ha

While I was supposed to be thinking about the work I was doing, I was thinking about the chest I just pushed into the living room in the middle of the night earlier this week and thought about the couple of things that were still in the bottom drawer that needed to be resolved before my art supplies could fill it back up.
This phone was one of the last two things in there. My mind wondered about where it would be RE-stored, because I knew I wasn't letting it go yet.

After a moment, it dawned on me that it was colorful art, therefore it needed to sit out somewhere around my living area where all my other wild art is splattered all over the walls. YES ! what a great idea !

Might as well enjoy it if I am going to keep it. I don't know what year I got it...late 70's... early 80s? I think my Mom may have asked me what I wanted for Christmas one year and this is what I told her I wanted.
It was and still is so very neat where the clear case lets you see inside and Unisonic put colorful components inside it so that it was bright and happy looking and it even lit up when it rang !

You just can't get cooler than that, can you?
Even the cord casing was clear so you could see the colorful wires winding through them.

It should have been displayed as a piece of art all along. How did I not think of that before ?? Well... better late than never Imma thinkin.
RING RING !! Give me a call ... ok?....
Hope you all have or are already having a bodacious weekend.
Love ya !

There was a time where everything seemed to be made in clear cases. I remember the buttons always going wonky on this style after so many years of usage. The cord being clear is something you don't normally see and adds nicely to the colorful effect.
A traditional bell I see in there as the ringer, these were great and sounded like an explosion when they went off haha
I never remember problems with the buttons, but this would not have been my only phone at the time and maybe it was in my bedroom, so didn't get the bulk of the use like the ones in the kitchen or living room.
Yeah, the old bell is pretty neat looking.
Loud like a mini fire bell ! LOL
Fire alarm bell exactly. My words are not flowing today. Explosion haha
It will make you jump like there's been an explosion if you are too near it when it rings.
Cool find! ☎️ They don't make 'em like they used to! @jacey.boldart
Reminds me of the clear, plastic anatomy books with holes on each page that stack to where you could see various parts of the human body and there were descriptions explaining everything.
Between clean outs (hoping this is the final major one ever !)... I would forget I owned this ! I mean, how long has it been since I used a phone that was hooked to a cord that was hooked to a wall? Even before cells, I had the cordless phones that sat on bases that kept them powered up. Of course, the base was still plugged into the wall, but you didn't have to stand or sit in one place to use them.
You know you are getting old when you find things you have owned for.... well... forever and you forgot you had it. I'd rather get older than the alternative.... but .... I'd like my memory to stick with me too. LOL
Thanks for stopping over.
Haha! Well I confess we still have a corded phone with an answering machine & caller id on the wall in the kitchen and cordless phones throughout the house. I blame it on being in charge of Backup & Contingency Planning for some projects back around the Y2K era.
Well.... although I did have the cordless phones, I think I was the very last person I know to ever give over to cell phones. Actually, before I had a cell phone, I had a magicjack phone for several years. It was through the internet and where I was, it worked great !
My reluctance to get a cell centered mostly around the fact that I didn't really want to talk to anyone while I was out and about... I mean, not on the phone. I too had an answering machine and you could call me at home and even at work if it was urgent. Eventually I caved on the cell simply because I am getting older and decided it was not wise to travel without one, so I got a flip. I tried not to give that up either...LOL.... but had an offer from my phone provider for a free smart phone.... so now I am almost "with it".....
🤣😂🤣 ☎️
I’ll call you after I find my swatch watch and scrunchies.
This phone is soooooo of an era! 😍
Of an era.... how kind of you to put it that way.... LOLOLOLOL !
It SURE is.... a very fun and happy era !
I'm sure I looked just fab every time I talked on this.
Now... if I could just find where I put those colorful leg warmers ! hmmmmm
Too cool to dump
Let’s see a cellphone coming up with something as cool eh 😉
I can totally relate to the never ending declutter
But this time you got a nice cool piece to display 😄
If they make a cell phone like it, I might be enticed to splurge on one.
I have tried to repurpose as much as I can. I'm also trying not to bring anything new in without putting something out, donate, give away.... and etc. Hopefully it will never be this big of chore again. I did move to this current house from a larger, older home that had great storage, back when that was important to builders. It was easy not to get rid of things, because there was always somewhere to put them. It has only taken me 4 years to finally sort out where it had been stacked high as my head in what was supposed to be an extra bedroom. Of course I wasn't working on it constantly... just closed the door till I took a notion now and then to work on it some more. Then... covid made me bring my job home (not complaining about that, LOVE working at home)... but there was nowhere else to set up my work area, so I cleaned out a corner for my workspace. Couldn't stand the other half of the room being a pile any longer, had to resolve. It's been a long time coming.
I wonder what other treasures you will find hehe
I shall look out for them here :D
Oh I do remember seeing those before and always enjoyed it coz I like to see all the components! Could even add some colorful LEDs so it would glow at night!!
It did cross my mind, wonder if I could figure out a way to make the lights work, but seems it was just a passing thought. :)
I remember that phone! I think we may have had one just like it years ago, and yes, they would light up when they rang! It was and still is very cool! I agree with you; it is retro-art; I have no idea whatever happened to mine. Enjoy it, and plug it in now and again to use.
Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!
I've decided I'm going to hang it on the wall somewhere near some of my art.
Glad it brought back some fun memories and thanks for stopping by. :)
I've got one of those phones! I'm not using it now because I only have one jack going into the router and I need it for a wireless base station. I really liked the phone so I'm have troubles parting with it. I think mine is an earlier model than yours or something. (They look a bit different.)
Too funny ! I am thinking they only made about a billion of them. Maybe they just had more than one color combination. Of course I don't really know.
Mine is from the Conair Corporation. The Conairphone Model SW 205 and made in Malaysia too.
Uh oh ! Somebody copied somebody... huh? :)
Ring! RRRRRRing! OMG! Pick up the phone, wouldja? I have been calling for ever! I love that phone! I do! What a cool little piece of, um. color! Kidding. I love it and I would put it in my house. I still have a phone,using vonage because of moving so much, I have taken my phone number with me since 2001. That is when Vonage was a start-up. You could take it to Europe and plug it in and call home like it was a local call. It was so expensive from there, it was a real deal!I never got rid of the phone number and just plug it in wherever I move to.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the phone. It is a fun little piece!
Oh My.... it's not hooked up ! No wonder I didn't hear your ring. :)
It IS fun.. isn't it? I think I am going to hang it on the wall. Wouldn't that be just like something an artist would do? No hook up, can't use, hang on wall anyway.....LOL
Yeah... vonage was through the net... .right ?
Very interesting design.) Once upon a time I saw a computer mouse in a transparent case - but for some reason I did not buy it ...
Oh... now I want a transparent mouse too ! ha ha.....
I kept it because I liked it, but also what if one day the net falls apart and we have to go back to old type phones. I've already got mine if we do.
I have an old telephone at home somewhere, still with a spinning disk, instead of buttons.))
Well, if everything falls apart, then we will return to regular mail.) Recently, this has become my little hobby.) Send postcards from different mailboxes that are found during travel.)
If you want, I can mail you a postcard too.)