Bradford Snow & A Little Art Of Course

in #art4 days ago (edited)
Night before last I got a wild hair and dumped my clothes out of my bedroom dresser, put some slider thingys under the corners of it and pushed it down the hall to my art area. I had already pulled all the various art stuff out of the corner behind where I sit and it was scattered all over the living room. I had previously measured to make sure it would fit there, so it worked like a charm. It won't hold everything, that is for sure, but it will hold the majority of my art stuff, so half of it will no longer be spread around in containers on the floor. I've been thinking about doing this for a long time, but I also thought about getting a new dresser that matched better with my bed frame. Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet and I couldn't wait any longer. My art area won my bedroom dresser!
I have a matching chest of drawers that was being used for storage that I emptied in the work room, put the sliders under and pushed it to where the dresser has been. It won't hold all the stuff I had in the dresser, so part of that is still in a tote bag beside the drawers.
That left nothing to put the other stored stuff in except a small, rolling wire cart that had been holding some stuff at my art desk and that will have to do for now. Needless to say, after the domino effect of emptying and moving stuff around, "stuff" chaos is everywhere I turn. Too bad! LOL
Anyway, I'll get the rest of it worked out sooner or later.
I made this wonky art, again on the back of a jumbo playing card. The papers, like always were painted by me. The bird and the egg are out of a bird book I picked up at the library sale and that red ring is out of the bottom of a torn paper lantern. I have had it along with a larger one just like it for a long time and wondered if I would ever use them. I decided to put the ring on before I ever thought about the bird and egg. The ring had some bits of white paper still left on it and I painted it red. Then the blue round part kind of looked like a tree was there, so in flew the bird and the egg. I might need to outline the egg somehow. Not sure.


The Bradford Pear trees out back were snowing today. The last of the blooms are trying to let go as the fresh new leaves take over. I tried to catch a photo of it snowing white petals, but they wouldn't show up on my phone camera. Some DID get caught in a spider web though that I couldn't see till some petals stuck too it. It looks like I caught them midair.... but no.


Stuck in the web....making them look as if time stood still. This evening the light breeze is making them flitter in the window. I wonder if they will still be there in the morning.

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"Sealed".... that is the name that came to my mind. Sometimes I get enamored with the painted papers and don't want to cover up all the neat patterns that were created when I painted them. It causes me to want to leave some of them minimal, like this. Busy in pattern, but only a few papers. In this case, only 3 papers as the center strips were just one sheet, cut apart.


I think that is about all the jibber jabber I have for today, except right after I started this and told about shoving the furniture around, I thought I should have a photo of the dresser that is now in my art area.

Art corners rule !

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Nice, huh?
I hope you have had a good week. I'm enjoying the thought that it is Friday-Eve already... Yay!
Love you! Stay safe!

I absolutely love your art corner. I've been waiting for John to put up more of my canvases but maybe I should just go ahead and put them up myself!

We had friends visiting last week who each took away 4 canvases each and, while a bit of me was sorry to see them go I was happy they went to a good home.

I'm gong to a retreat they run next month and I'm thinking I might take all my other little canvases with me and give them to anyone who would like one. I have way too much stuff in my attic studio and I'm definitely leaning more to clearing out than accumulating.

I'm also going to take a load of bigger ones that I've picked up from the bins where people leave them on the road. I was planning to paint over them and use them myself but I have more than enough. One of my friends is an artist and she says she would like them.

. . . I think I might copy and paste this comment and make it into a bit of a post . . . or, knowing me, it will probably just end up in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. 😂

Have a wonder full weekend!

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thanks for the upvote!

Thank you! It's getting better and better as my living room nearly no longer exists as my art things have slowly taken over. I also recently found some retro design valances for my windows that have a lot of bold colors in them like my art. It has been coming together and now even more.

I of course have to hang my own art, but years back I bought a lot of these hangers where you can slip on the back of a stretched canvas and hang them instantly on a nail, so, easy peasy the way I do it. I can't wait for help! ha ha

That was nice that some of your friends took some of your canvases. I always enjoy the thought that someone else might put one on their wall or an easel on a table and enjoy it from time to time. Exciting! I also understand part of you being sorry to let them go. I always heard that about artists and their art before I started making a lot of it and I didn't question it, but I didn't quite understand it either. NOW... I know, because I feel the same way. It is still also fun to give some away, once you can detach.

It sounds crazy in a way that people leave so many by the bins, good for someone that wants them though. I'm glad your friend can use them. Now everybody will be happy.

I'll be looking for your post you make with your comment..... one day. LOL

Careful with moving heavy stuff around, even if you put the wheelie things underneath! (Says she who does things like that when there's no one to help😉)
But it must have been so satisfying organizing your art stuff.
I'm slowly getting rid of furniture I won't need when I move (still have to sell & buy, the process is on its way). The chest of drawers from my bedroom held some of my clothes, I was rushing, stuffed it into my wardrobe (should have taken a pic🙈) but everything is so orderly now that I don't want to close the cupboard doors 😅 Proud of myself, also got rid of some clothes!
You should start selling your artwork online, I love mixed media art and so do others, yours is lovely!
It's long weekend here, enjoy your Friday Jacey 💕Your art corner look lovely @jacey.boldart! The dresser is gorgeous as well.

Thank you !

I had an entire bedroom suite that goes with that dresser. I've had it since 1975, It is wooden and sturdy and I've dragged it with me my whole adult life. A piece on the bed eventually broke and after scotching it together for years I finally replaced it just a few years back. I still have all the other pieces. I long for those days when furniture and other things were made high quality, even if you didn't have a fortune to spend.... but that's another story.... right?

I try to be real careful and most times it works. Other times I get surprises later. LOL This time went well though.

It has been satisfying and I am still working on it.

I knew you had been going through and sorting your things. Such a task, but it seemed when you finally made up your mind for sure, you jumped right in and it has been going along nicely.... or that is how it sounds. ;0

I have dallied with the thought of selling online from time to time. Who knows what the future will hold on that.

I am halfway through my Friday workday now. Just a few more hours till weekend freedom!

Yes furniture that's affordable is such poor quality, good wooden furniture costs the earth! One can pick up nice pieces at auctions but I've never had time for that. Managed to get a beautiful hall stand online for next to nothing, it was an emigration sale.
The house is on the market, will take time though as people are reluctant to invest in property, especially after our president signing the expropriation bill. Young people are leaving in droves!
I'm enjoying decluttering though!

There is something oddly satisfying about cleaning out or sorting things. Usually accumulation is so slow you barely notice, then one day you think, how on earth did I get so much stuff??

It is sad what many countries are doing to their people, but for someone willing or having some other reason to stay, your place would be a dream, especially when it has the set up for possible additional income already.