Do you ever start to pull info for a post that should not take you long at all and end up hunting for something for a LONG time that you never find?? Well ! That's what I've been doing for the last hour.
When I constructed the below piece of collage art, I had no intent in mind prior to starting, I just had a couple of pieces of paper that I liked and I set out to figure out how to use them. When it was done late one evening, all the colors made me happy and I thought about the mixed colors when you see a clear decorative jar of gumballs or jaw breakers, so bright and inviting.
Therefore, when I began this post and named it Candy Jar, I expected to have a photo of a nice jar full of assorted colored jaw breakers to refer too.... but....
Hunt as I may, I could not find that photo ! I have moved a bunch over the last few months, out of my google cloud that my phone downloads too, to some external memory thingys to free ups space. No way am I paying to store there. You get a nice bit of memory free there, but then they want you to upgrade ! So I moved them and now I can't find my candy jar photo. LOL... oh well. Just as I was typing this paragraph, I thought maybe I had posted it in a past Hive post, so I stopped and went to look more. I still didn't find it, but I did find a below photo of a giant gumball machine that I had in a post about a local restaurant, so I cropped the top of it and put it at the bottom. I know you could have visualized in your head.... but... but... I just wanted that OTHER photo !
Anyway, now I have made a half a post about hunting a dern photo ! What tha hell??!

Ok... back to what the post should have been about all along... ME ! ha ha So after I finished the above piece of art and thought it looked candy'ish, I made the simple piece below and of all things, it was so colorful too and looked like it could be kin to the one above and I wondered if I should be doing a series, although that was not my beginning idea.
Oh well, I'll just keep creating and building and if any others look like they belong, I'll just pretend I meant to do that and indeed they were meant to be related.

Ok, so here is the top of the blame gumball machine. Maybe the fun colorful relationship is only in my head. You see it, right ??? That's ok either way. There is a lot of useless stuff in my head.

I took this to end my rambling post about lost photos and art that reminds me of candy. My series of 2 (LOL).... not candy inspired art that reminded me of candy.
They are in happy company, that is for sure.

My Mom had to go to the hospital this week to get checked out as she was having numbness in one arm and a LOT of pain in the back of her neck and arm. Come to find out, some of it had been going on for a few days, but it got worse and worse till she called my sister, who is retired, to come out. She was in too much pain for a long ride in the car, so they decided to call the EMS to come get her and give her the ride instead. She didn't think it was her heart and fortunately it did not turn out to be, but she wanted to be sure. My Mom is NO wimp ! my sister knew if she was admitting she was in severe pain and was ready to take an ambulance ride, that it was NO joke ! Turns out she has arthritis in her neck and shoulder, something even at 90 she has not had problems with and she may have done some things in her yard earlier in the week and a nearly missed grab bar that caused her to pull sharply off balance and.... the combo of the things she had done pinched a nerve. So she is on prednisone and some new waive muscle relaxers that don't make you feel like a flop doll.... and she is taking it easy, something she is not normally good at doing. Fortunately though, she is making effort to respect it because, it really is painful if she doesn't.
You never know at any age, from one day to the other, what your situation might be. Sometimes you get warning as your body slowly dissolves out from under you and sometimes, one minute you're good and the next minute you're down ! I'm not saying this a a BUMMER....but just remember to appreciate the days that you are ALL good physically.
Speaking of that, my legs were all cranky this morning when I got up. What ??? My body does react to weather and it has been cloudy off and on this morning. So a while ago I took one ibuprofen and put on one arch support for a fussy foot and straps on both knees ! That just made me laugh when I typed that! LOL... For reals ! The rest of me is fine though and when the weather clears, I can break loose from these chains. I am very thankful though that someone somewhere invented all these little doodads, straps & gadgets that allow me to strap up and carry on.
It's going to be a GOOD day, I just know it.
Hope you are all having a good weekend.
Love ya !
Amazingly nice work!
Thank you !
She has done well to dodge arthritis all this time. Should like she might be on done decent meds too. Cool old pred works well and those new wave things, behind arthritis we say!
Fortunately, she has been so spry and energetic her whole life, so needless to say, in the last year or two as she finds doing the heavier things cause her body to protest, it has not been easy to accept gracefully. It's almost like it is surprising her. I get it. I know she will adjust though, I mean what other real choice does one have after a bit of mental resistance?
I'm a great adapter !
Adapting is so wet can do. I have adapted loads it feels like and I think I am still relatively young!!