Happy December 1st !
A hundred years ago (ok,ok, maybe it just SEEMS that long)....after I grew into an adult, my family, brothers and sisters were all still buying each other Christmas presents (and we LOVED it)....but after all the shopping and baking all the treats and getting everything ready and looking forward to Christmas Day, when the Day got here, it went by SO fast, it was nearly a blur. It was like the Tasmanian Devil Cartoon version of a Christmas Day and it left me emotionally hanging. For all the planning and prepping and money spending, it was over TOO fast.
So, at some point during the year after, I decided that Christmas...was going to have to be MUCH longer than just one day. I decided, that Christmas needed to be ALL of December. That is how I looked at it after that. From then on, I attempted to have all my Christmas shopping and decorating done by December 1st and from there, something fun was going to need to be going on multiple times before Christmas Day and Christmas Day would just be the finale.
It really helped me mentally to see it that way. You know what that means now don't you? Today is the first day of Christmas! Hey.... you are supposed to create your life in the way it works best for you.... aren't you???? 😄
Now to the middle of the night funky Christmas Tree collage.
I decorated my front porch the day After Thanksgiving. Three strings of C9 sized lights and my blow up Gingerbread man that wears a Santa hat, has a Candy Cane in one hand and is waving with the other. I have it down pat, it takes about 30 minutes to put up, two strings of lights doubled together, swagged across the front banister of the porch and one string of the same across the top of the window that looks out on the porch. Then, tie Gingy to the front rail so he can't blow away before the Season is over, plug him in and it's DONE! It's quite happy and colorful and I get a lot of night time bang for only a little effort. That's my favorite kind of way these days. I put it all on a timer plug that is set up to come on at dark and stay on for 6 hours before it turns itself off. Out go the lights and Gingy melts to the porch floor like a wicked witch splashed with a bucket of water ! ha ha

Last night I was tired and fell asleep in my comfy chair when I didn't mean too. Although it wasn't real early, it was before midnight and I usually stay up MUCH later than that on the two weekend nights.
I woke up at approximately 1 AM. I decided I would turn everything down and just go to bed. As I did my rounds of the kitchen and living room, I realized the outdoor lights were still on and it was WAY past the 6 hour time that they should have shut themselves off. Drats! I wondered what was up with that. I grabbed my housecoat, because it was COLD out there and slipped out on the front porch to turn the timer off. I wasn't going to try to figure out the issue, just turn it all off and get back inside where it was warm as fast as possible.
I stepped out on the porch, went over to the plug and without my reading glasses on, turn it to where I thought it was OFF. The lights went out and Gingy started to melt and then I realized I thought I was hearing footsteps on gravel, What ? My driveway is a horseshoe that goes all the way around my house and through my open carport, so there is a gravel drive on both sides. I wasn't sure which direction it was coming from and then realized it sounded like the footsteps were getting faster as I dropped the timer and made a mad dash to my front door while the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I didn't take time to look around or to figure it out, I was getting in and slamming the wooden door and turning the deadbolt lock as fast as I could, before somebody could get me! Talk about an adrenaline rush !
Afterwards I continued to turn off lights and check for emails and brush my teeth to go to bed. Once there though, I found that I could not drift off to sleep. That cold blast of air and the mad rush of adrenaline had me totally awake by then, so after laying there comfortably for an hour and not drifting off to sleep, I got up, dragged my warm blanket with me back to the living room and turned the heat back up. LOL...I don't like being cold. I thought I would turn the TV back on and just let myself go back to sleep in the chair where I had fallen asleep before. I didn't do that though, I went over to my art table and decided I would do some sort of small collage version of a Christmas Tree, it was December 1st by then, so it only made sense to do it, in my funky abstract style of course.
So, as you can see by now, the above photo is what happened instead of sleep.

After I finished it, I got in my chair and snuggled in..... for about 15 minutes and then decided I was going back to my bed, which I did about 4 AM. ha ....So I slept till about 9 and now here I am.
Was there really someone outside my house at 1:15 PM? Could it have been something else making that sound that only sounded like footsteps? Could a deer have been on the gravel instead and just sounded human to me? I'll never know !
I will of course be checking out the porch plug in the daylight today, so no monsters can get me while I do it.
I hope you are all doing well and that you have a happy day.... and that no monsters get you!
Love you !
Imaginative tree, now in time for Christmas!
Thank you ! I expect there will be more coming. Not sure if they will all be this funky, but they might !
THanks for stopping over. 😊
Greetings @jacey.boldart ,
Now you can say your December began with a wild start...happy to hear you survived.
Lovely art collage work....At least it looks warm!
Thank you for such a lively well written post! Cheers!
It DID have a wild start, but jeepers creepers, I could do without that ! LOL
It was fun making the tree in the middle of the night to get my brain into a different gear. I love bold color and thank goodness it didn't come out something scary looking. ha
I'm glad you liked my post.
That's weird about the timer. I find them so reliable, and for months on end. I just have to adjust them when the time changes.
I love your tree. It looks like bits of gravel at the bottom there.
Deer steps don't sound like human steps. They hardly sound at all really. I would have been scared shiteless!
I thought the timer things was weird too as I have never really had any issues with any of them. This morning I saw that when I went out, I didn't turn it to OFF like I thought I was doing. I didn't have my reading glasses on and turned it the wrong way. 😄 It still had originally been in the right timer area though. I worked on it again when I got home from a visit with my Mom to try to help her get lights and a topper on her tree so she can start getting the "pretties" hung on it. At first it still didn't want to work, so I got my backup and when I started to pull one of the plugs out, everything started coming on ! Maybe my plug is haunted now for some reason. ha ha. It is not new, but it's not too old either, so we'll see what it does tonight.
Thank you, after I read your comment, I could see the bits as gravel.
I do understand what you are saying about deer not sounding like humans walking, I guess I was just trying to roll other possibilities around in my head for alternate explanations. Nobody wants to feel like strangers could be lurking outside their homes ! Yikes !
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