Some Art....A Flower....And An Opinion (Or Should That Be Rant)

in #art7 months ago
Happyyyyy Saturdayyyyyyy !
.... or it is now that I am off from of work. Mandatory OT you can be sure, otherwise this girl would NEVER work on the weekend. BLECK
I'm back to put up more art on my Hive frig. What's a little funny about me teasing about that is that, once I said it a few posts back, I have considered putting a piece of magnetic tape on the back of some and actually sticking them too my real frig. It's an old side-by-side and has plenty of front space. Why would I not put some there where I can see them, coming and going to the kitchen? I haven't done it yet, but I do have a roll of magnet tape and it's really possible it could happen. These 5x7 inch boards I work with the most wouldn't take but a couple inch piece in the center of the back to make them stick to the frig and it wouldn't ruin them from going in a frame later if needed.
As you can see I'm still playing in collage papers. I did this one in the last couple of weeks. It may be obvious, but I didn't realize when I glued the different pieces on that the circle on the top left is the direct cut-out from the piece on the bottom right. I didn't cut it out at the time I was putting this together, I had a handful of them in a container and I just chose different pieces out of it randomly before constructing it. I noticed after I had glued the pieces on that they had once been the same piece.

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For some reason, the overall vibe looks pleasing to me. It might not be the same for others, I understand, but I can't help what I like, can I?


This is another painted/gel printed paper I made that I found I loved and didn't want to tear up. I decided to conserve it by mounting it and giving it very minimal accents to try to make it appear to be a valid finished piece, but mostly, I just LOVE the way the paper design came out with it's beautifully colored background and fun stencil ghost design.


I'm really pretty fond of it. "They" say you are not supposed to be precious about the papers, but I say, why not?? I don't need those silly rules to tell me what I like and choose to do with my stuff. 😇


My Mom, even at 90, loves to have flowers all around her yard. She doesn't have as many as she used too which is understandable at her age, but she still has more than average I think. This one was so heavy on it's stem, that it hung over and faced the ground. I changed my phone camera to the selfie mode and stuck it under the flower to take this photo. That way I could see the flower in my screen to make sure I got the whole view. Just thought I'd share. It was not only pretty, but pretty big too.


If I were writing about one thing that was really on my mind, it might be a long rant about the woke state of things and our government's idiocy on many things these days. I also know, who want's to hear it ??? 😄 For real though, when it's all in your face all the time, it's very hard to ignore and just go your own way, even though I make great effort to do just that.
One of the things, hopefully in a nutshell, is how fast the fortune 500 company I work for jumped so quick on all the woke bandwagons, creating groups for THIS and groups for THAT, which to me pretty much further separates what they think they are trying to bring together. Totally backwards.... totally. For real, my company already had good and fair rules, you left your radical opinions and biases at the door, because they have no place at work. You come, you do the job you are paid for and you treat EVERYONE around you respectfully. You give all levels of management positions the respect they are due and if you had grievances that were work related, there was a chain of command and you just followed the chain up however high you needed to go to have them addressed..... or not if you were being stoopid. Really... that is all that was needed and it mostly worked very well. Your personal opinions about other stuff, keep it to yourself !
Part of what happened was the hiring seemed to be mostly what appear to be foreign to our area (and country) by name. My disclaimer, I wasn't raised, nor have I lived my life being part of the problem about that, but over time it seems there is a real communication issue and a lot of the new folks do not even have a basic general understanding of how things are supposed to work. Now also, I don't care who they hire, but their choices have really broken our business as none of the departments seem to be able to do the work in a quality fashion that we used to have. I'm not saying it was ever perfect, that would be a fib, but for real, we have internally disintegrated FAST ! I didn't know what exactly was causing it. Were we not giving the new folks enough training? Did we give them good training but they weren't able to grasp it? Were we hiring folks that in general just aren't qualified for the positions? I wondered about it many times over the last couple of years.
Then I saw a thing about Elon Musk, like him or hate him, to me he's an interesting person. He was saying that all along with his SpaceEx business, our government told him NOT to hire non-citizens and part of that was for fear they would be spies, steal the inovations that are going on there and either take back the info to another country that might use it against us or sell to multiple other countries.... etc... you know. He was saying though, that the government had now sued him in the last couple years, because he refused to hire asylum seekers and now they wanted him too. He emphasized that it was NOT people who had been GRANTED asylum, but just folks that were seeking asylum. WHAT ?????..... With that tidbit of insight, it made me wonder if they were trying to make HIM do that with his company, how much of what my company was doing was because of requirements on them as well. I somehow have to believe it could have something to do with the inner turmoil that is going on company wide.
My job is on the back end of things, the clean-up crew if you will and there are a lot more messes needing sorted out these days and not just MORE messes, but more BIG messes. By the time if filters over to me it is taking longer to straighten it all back out, so you can only imagine that it makes my job way more challenging than it ever was or should have to be. You can understand then, why it has crossed my mind multiple times. So much unnecessary craziness. I'm getting too old for this ! LOL !
It made me also realize that other public figures who had stated that the flood of people who are now in the USA illegally are taking American jobs away from them, may very well be true. Something I wasn't really sure on before.
That wasn't as short as I meant it to be, but now it's done !
I hope you are all enjoying you're weekend. I'm about to go clean out my real frig and load the dishwasher as I go. I don't have many chores on the list, but since I am the only one here, I suppose I should do some. 😂
Love you ! Mean it !

A good rant. There is something mental going on. My company has been outsourcing like mad and quality has just gone down the shitter. Everything takes four or five times longer, it all costs more and needs more people and there ends result is usually a mess that needs fixed

Someone somewhere is making a fortune or if it all obviously but it's kak for the rest of us

It's lunacy as far as I'm concerned. We aren't going to need grand competition to take us down, since we are cracking up from the inside. I suppose our competition is dealing with the same thing though, so if your company is crap and theirs is too, I suppose the field is still level?? Sheesh !!

I think about our long time customers and the fact that even a percentage of our front line people don't have a clue what they are doing. I have to wonder what they are thinking and how many other choices they may have.

What a circus !.... but not the fun kind.

Yes definitely not fun. When I'm in meetings with permies we get tired of lamenting how bad things are and how nothing works properly any more. On the surface all the head honchos boast about how much money we are saving but we are like what's the point in that if you are fumping the place over!


Is it REALLY saving money by the time it is done and redone and then sorted back out after. Definitely handling things 3 times that if done right in the beginning, would only be once.

Bastids ! for sure.....🤣

I always think those that are still pretending we're all good are just company people who are paid to not admit the truth.

That's the ones. The company folk who day what they were told to say and what they think the company wants them to say.

There is going to be a big crash and a reversal at some point when someone points out that it is shit

Those are the ones that have the high paying jobs.

Turns out, being a liar actually DOES pay off ! LOLOLOL !

I really like this!

Thank you !..... and thanks for stopping by. 😊
