It was a birthday of a friend and he requested a painting of San Fernando who was the king of Spain as well as a canonized saint.
Title: San Fernando
Medium: watercolor
Size: 4" x 6"
Year: 2020
Let me share one quote from him:
“Knowest that I do not seek my glory but thine; not the greatest of perishable kingdoms, but the kingship of Christ on earth.”
Process photos
I will be sharing the few but good examples of the steps.
⚜️ Sketch
I was not in the drawing mood but I sketched the outline on the first day and added some color on the face just to get me started.
⚜️ Painting the face
So here's the first layer of the face where I used light pink, flesh tone and yellow. The eyes I leave it blank until I am ready to paint it. It usually is the last I do on the face
⚜️The midtoness
Next day, I was trying harder to make it look good. I had finished most of the base and midtones. I felt it was hard to make it look good but I carried on. The coat I used base: yellow, grey, sky blue, green, and black for the spots.
I kept going on and when I added more depth and color and black tones to define it I was very happy with the outcome.
So now a halo, light yellow then lemon yellow
Just some more emphasis on the outer ring. And done!
I was a bit pessimistic on how to do this but I enjoyed it and it is fulfilling. I haven't tires drawing knights but maybe I should.
If you have suggestions and comments leave them below🙏🌹♥️⚜️
Very cool details, Jacinta! Well done!
Thank you so much! :D