Liberty. The Most Outspoken Painting I've Ever Done. Theater Of Good And Evil.

in #art8 years ago

Today I want to share something special with you. I finally decided to publish my most thoughts-provoking painting that came though me on canvas to this day. It is controversial, it is political, it is spiritual and it is encoded with tons of hidden messages. I won't explain all of them, I'll leave that exciting journey to you.

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The Divine Theater of Good and Evil.

I used to carry lots of anger in my heart. For me, it was righteous anger at those who enslave us with propaganda of fear in order to rule us, to obscure our powerful human nature that does not require to be governed, in order to make us into little obedient complacent brain-washed law abiding citizens, in order to make us fight their crusades to kill our brothers and sisters, in order to cast a grey blanket of mistrust and segregation over our immortal loving hearts.

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Painting progress.

I saw the lie early in my life (or at least I thought I saw through it) and because of my passionate fire nature I tried too hard to make others see the same and stop buying into it. I pushed, I argued, I marched in the streets, I raised my first way too often. And disappointment flowed into my days through the wide open gate of Bitterness. The foolishness of youth. How sweet, how naive, how very essential for the later years of reconciliation.

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Finished 5x6 feet canvas. First time I used 24karat gold leaves (you can see them in Buddha's head)

I used to be full of sorrow. I loved this planet not only through filter of my senses, but as a deep connection that I felt in my gut since little child. I could not ignore the pain of burning forests, ponds and rivers poisoned with chemicals, our birthrights of freedoms beings slowly taken away from us year by year. In the name of “Justice” that only made the grid of matrix harder to break through, with every false flag attack dragging us deeper into the abyss.

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Detail 1. The mask, the Pyramid, the Dharma wheel.

I'm older now. I have travelled the four corners of this Earth. I have sit in silence for days, piercing the veil of mind-self for the first time. I have met high beings of unconditional love and slowly softened the hard shell of pain around my heart. I learned to say “I'm sorry”, and “I was wrong”.

I walked through the dark night of my soul. I've been on the other side, sucked into the void of pure liquid karmic terror where even death as we imagine it was nothing next to this mind-shattering blackness. And I made it back. I am not healed entirely yet, but I have seen the light. Not only seen. I have touched it, I have lived it, I have felt it explode in every single cell of my body.

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Detail 2. The Golden chain, the hourglass is broken. And the black sheep, with mind of its own, is the first one to cross the abyss of the dying world to the other side. Can you see the miniature Statue of Liberty with World Trade Center still standing?

I have lost many of my absolutes. I don't claim that I KNOW as easily as I used to. I came to realize that nature of this holographic divine Universe is a mystery that is not meant to be resolved, much less by simplicity of human mind. Yet a gentle knowing has taken roots in my heart.

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"Liberty" made quite a splash. On the cover of New Agora newspaper and also on first page of famous anarcho-capitalist newsletter. So much for keeping low profile:)

The knowing that nothing can ever rob us from our destiny. We are part of a bigger plan that goes beyond duality and our common understanding of good and evil. And entirely out of grasp of our rulers. Universal Justice exists, and it has not much to do with the justice in our courtrooms. Our planet has just came out of Kali Yuga, dark night of our collective soul, and while everything seems to be headed to apocalypse, it is just the spasms of a dying world that has to die. The old structures have to collapse, because they were build with the seed of fear, and all energy always eventually comes back to its source. Fear is ultimately an illusion, and only castles of sand can be build with it.

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Snake of lies and the Apple of knowledge. The Seven crows took air.

Nature will have its way. Life will have its way. It always does, because it is infinitely more intelligent and powerful than human mind, than any human endavor. The seed of love is already sprouting. Circle of fear, of eye for an eye, of fighting fire with fire, is already breaking. So...

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...when they promote peace with bombs...

...justice by legalizing corporate crimes against humanity... by banning natural medicine and sponsoring cancer of big pharma...

...democracy by manipulating media and governments...

...freedom by spying our privacy and stealing our birthrights of clean water, land and air....

Then we will respond with Love. Knowing that every shadow contains a gift. That all this had its beautiful role in our evolution. That everything is perfect the way it unfolds in the pure fractals of consciousness.

Our suffering is the river that will lead us back to our source. And our source is Light.

Unity, Peace, Abundance.

Thanks for reading...and for being a black sheep!

follow @jankasparec

Black sheep himself on the crime scene:) If I look tired, it's because I gave the finishing of this painting a piece of my life;)
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This is absolutely breath taking, the way you seamlessly stitched together so many important messages and issues into such a cohesive and visually stunning image. I can't stop examining every inch of this piece and every time I do, I discover something new. The intricate detail just blows my mind. Thank you for this masterful piece of enlightened artwork.

Thank you so much for your kind and open feedback! Much Love @oneinajillion :)

Not only is the painting contains so much more than first realised, so much hidden meaning. It must have been a true inspiration for you.
To have painted all of this story must have taken you on a journey of self knowledge, plus true awareness of all that is around you.
It is indeed a brilliant work of art.
Your words resonate very strongly with my own belief. Resteemed

very beautiful art, very beautiful and intense words, it really touched my heart, took me back to my youth and my lsd days when i thought i knew everything. and as i got older i realized the only thing i know, is that i dont know anything. I feel like you are a kindred spirit im sure we must have had some similar experiences. I thank you for this post was very much enjoyed

Man, that is amazing. And I love the V face. 10! upvoting and resteeming. Glad you made it in a magazine. You deserve it. Following now

Beautiful art and this is your thesis statement:

The knowing that nothing can ever rob us from our destiny.

That is stunningly beautiful. I'm at a loss for words.

This is really beautiful for so many reasons :) Thanks for sharing!

Well done!!
Lovely painting, and to my mind, even better thoughts behind it all.
Congrats again!

I love all of your work! It really enlightens the heart and mind!

Hope you follow me too @jankasparec. As your influence is so powerful to me!

Beautiful work as always Jan!

This is great art !!
Best regards from Cologne Germany
Have a nice day 😎

I like that vortex

Nice painting... but, Sorry (this is my culture to say sorry. This word have much meaning). I just suprised the left is face of Buddha and ther right side is Miss Liberty which have missile on her crown. Uhmmm.... Do you make a critic for American about their international policy? Anyway good painting ! :)

Beautiful painting and excellent post. I love the way you explained it. Not many artist do that. Thank you! Vyborne! :)

Honestly, its a bit cliche. The west is christianity and militarism, the east is buddhism and flowers (no violence or repression anywhere in the far east... not a single bit, only in America). ZzzzZZZZzzzZZZz

Seen it a million times....

Uninspired, uninspiring.

once again, really terrific paintings. love the surreal "Dali-esque" feel to them. and the additional commentary really puts them into perspective.

Fantastic painting! I did not plan to be following any visual artists here but I will definitely be watching out for your stuff!

I wish I had more time with the painting before reading the explanation. Next time I will spend some time with it first. At first I thought it represented a "war" between the enlightened and love and those programmed with fear. But since the planet is represented as being duality are these two sides actually in harmony with each other or are they in a battle? I was trying to figure out what the Guy Faulks mask was it something like "god"? About our true identity behind the mask of our identities, how we are nothing and everything? I'm not sure.

I didn't notice the black sheep, very nice.

I love this!