LOVE WILL PREVAIL. And So Will Bitcoin

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Last night, as I was meditating before leaving my studio, a painting popped in my mind. It seemed relevant to how I feel about today's crypto markets bloodbath.

Love will prevail logo.jpg

That painting is called "Love will prevail" and it is the only live nude model oil painting that I did 6 years ago. I sure did lot of live charcoal sketches and some water color studies of live models, but this on is the only oil on canvas that I painted together with other 5 or 6 painters in the Vancouver studio of Jay Senetchko (great figure painter).

I came up with the name later, and I incorporated it inside the panting, because it just made me feel that way for some reason: that Love will indeed prevail.

And that's exactly how I feel about crypto markets. I don't think that lot of people realize what's going on with BTC price. People don't really realize that this is the most epic battle between the forces of Light and Darkness in the known history of humanity, by far greater than WW2 or any other war, in my opinion. People don't realize what will happen when BTC wins this battle and will eventually undermine the banking system as we know it. People don't realize that switch from fiat to crypto will remove one of the greatest ulcers of a diseased system that people came to accept as "normal", although it's nothing but organized theft.

Because frankly- this is all about BTC coordinated attack (Mt.Gox trustee bombing the markets at the pivotal moments of new bull leg flag since mid-December, in case you been living under a rock lately). The banks are finally realizing the massive threat that BTC is to their parasitical monopoly central-banking system. And they got a way, first time in BTC's young history, to manipulate the BTC price via the Mt.Gox recovered bitcoins (which I think was a set up right from the start- the 2013 hack, which I don't think was a "regular hack" at all), by dropping massive market price sell orders at the pivotal moments of bull leg initiation. And for those who didn't know- the trustee refused all offers by Kraken and other exchanges to sell the coins for higher price by OTC order (over the counter), so just in case you thought that they're not trying to make BTC price collapse, here's your proof. If they wanted the best for the creditor's interest, they would not convert it to fiat in the first place and just gave people back their coins, and secondly they would gladly accept more money and not sell for market price at worst possible moment. And if this is not enough then know this- they already got all the $400M+ needed to pay off all creditors, but they did not distribute the money, they keep it, illegally, in their accounts. Why? That's pretty simple. If they give the money back to BTC investors they will throw it right back into BTC market (at least most of them), to buy cheap BTC and that would initiate a bull run like no other. So there you go. This is a conspiracy, not a conspiracy theory.

We lost the $7800 support and might be headed to $6k. Who knows, maybe even lower. I don't know, but I know one thing for sure. They still got over $1B worth of BTC left to do their dirty business. But they will reach a point that further drop will set off a massive buy from lots of people and they won't be able to do shit about it, even if they drop 20k bitcoins at market price. Imagine BTC fell to the last fib level (around $3k I think)- how long do you think it would stay there? Couple minutes at most is my guess. I know so many people who are just waiting at the sidelines to buy in and if 3k ever happened, the buy orders would far outweight all the sell orders. Me personally I'd liquidate all the stocks and anything I could to get all in BTC at that price.

So yes, go and manipulate while you can, cause one fine day, the sun will shine again on BTC and the bulls are gonna be that much fiercer. The lower the drop the higher the recovery.

BTC will prevail and we shell see the death of banking system as we know it during our lifetime. It will be a major cancer tumor removed from out beautiful planet. Central banks successfully impoverish every single country through the debt game, print unlimited money out of thin air and lend out money that does not even exist through fractional reserve system, finance the two sides of every single war and steal from every single one of us through the crime of inflation, totally unjustified but yet accepted as something "normal".

No it's not normal. Banks are criminals and they shell burn. One fine day in not too far future.



Hang in there warriors, the sun will shine again soon. And Mc Afee won't even have to eat his organ.

Much Love,

hanes we are one.jpg


How about painting more portraits from now on? You are good at it too love!

More portraits of you, or at least more sketches, that would be so much fun and we planned it for so long! Let's do it when you spend more time in Vancouver than just 2 nights! ;-*
hanes gladys 1.jpg

Let’s do it this time 😘

The sun will shine again on BTC and the bulls are gonna be that much fiercer. The lower the drop the higher the recovery.
I am very inspired by your post.

You are very talented as an artist in multiple ways. You made a beautiful connection to Bitcoin prevailing, Bitcoin IS love on a global scale. It very much could be what saves us all. This battle is ugly, but isn't it always? Thanks for reminding us of the beauty the future can hold!

Thanks for your comment! Bitcoin will prevail, no doubt!

Really, this is really a masterpiece.

Wonderful reflections (and art)! Thank you! 🙏
I'm not a big fan of BTC itself, but what you say is true for cryptocurrency in general!

I have thought along those lines to, but I think the financial groups and other elites are attacking because they want to control crypto not destroy it.

controlled crypto = desctruction of crypto. What good it is for if it becomes another tool for manipulation? One and the same thing bro. Of course they don't wanna destroy it because they CAN'T. It's like banning internet- won't happen.

Great painting...
Well if Bitcoin will fail in this moment all crypto currency will fail in the same time!
Honest to be i am not a big fan of Bitcoin but for the moment is the one who is giving the ups and downs of the market...
But Blockchain is more then just one crypto currency... it is the future and more and more niches will join and take advantage of it!
The first painting the one with Love will Prevail is briliant as you can feel the emotional stage of the model....
All we have to do is wait... hold on and always Steem On!😉

Bitcoin is the mother of all crypto and that won't ever change. The utility of BTC in future will be the digital gold, storage of value, not payments at coffee shops- we'll have different cryptos for that. Lots of people in this space always suggest some kind of battle between cryptos and mainly between BTC and other alts (BCH the most typical example), but I never saw it that way. The only battle is always between crypto and fiat, and all crypto is represented by BTC (nobody can dispute this. you can't ever crash a crypto market by attacking any other coin, nobody would care. The only way to manipulate it is by attacking BTC). I own many many many alt coins, nevertheless I am very well aware that BTC is the king and most likely will remain so for many years to come.

Love everything about this post. Well done and said!

Hi Jan, I was attracted with you beautiful painting, unlike yourself my art is my hobby and Steemit inspired me to re-start it after many, many years and I am quite happy with that. I love doing portrait but never tried a full figure, I was always amazed how the artist place the model to make it so interesting and to express what they what. What I like in your blog to see how you work through the process, what to do first and how to add the details. The paintings that you do are really impressive, especially doing such large format I am worried to lose the control of proportions.

I love your thought about cryptocurrencies and absolutely agree with you.Earlier or later the banks will be past. Only my worries with elderly people, it would be difficult for them the transitional time. But for many people of our generation and definitely youngsters this will be normal future.

Amazing work as always, and a nice piece of writing. I honestly have been in ignore mode the last few days as far as crypto goes, always good to come back to something like that