I love you sharing all this brother @apolymask. There's nothing wrong with anger, it's even in buddhist scriptures- the right type of anger, which is Anger at Ignorance. But blame is a different story, because you make yourself into a victim, and thus lose responsibility for the way you feel inside, which is always self-generated. Look, even to injustice you can answer with compassion, if you're evolved enough, because you know that any injustice is just done of out forgetting of the True nature of any human being, which is LOVE. We get fucked up by this world, so heavily conditioned by this society, that we become bundles of inner pain, inflicting pain on others. But that only thing that can break this vicious circle is not pointing finger , but returning non-love with love. I can spend my time hating central bankers or any politician (they all the same shit game players) or I can live by example that elevates that frequency. Anyways words just don't make it brother :) I love your sharing and I appreciate where you stand. I am not saying I found the Holy Grail :)
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I don't have so much a problem with ignorance.. I think we're all ignorant in ways.. I may get upset at someone if they harm others in ignorance, though.. It's still harder to hold them accountable if they didn't know what they were doing was wrong. Though.. There still is some responsibility there.
And that's basically what "blame" means as well.. To hold others accountable or responsible for their actions, this seems very important to me and much of our law is based off of it. Without holding people responsible for their actions.. They would just do whatever they want without fear or worry of others pushing back against immoral or unjust behavior.
I don't necessarily agree. I think it depends on the circumstances also. Sometimes you have a good right to blame others or circumstances or whatever, sometimes you do not.
I generally agree. Though sometimes I think the most compassionate thing you can do is put someone out of their misery if their are so deluded they are out their raping and torturing and murdering others. I think that is the most loving thing to do for everyone involved. Including the predator/oppressors. Cause it's sort of as you said, they forgot who they are and sometimes they went too far, and they can't be fixed, so they shouldn't be allowed to continue harming others unjustly.
I agree with you for the most part and I'm working on being more peaceful myself, but I still will do whatever is reasonable to defend myself and others. I'm not a pacifist yet and right now I hope I never will be, cause it seems worse to let bullies walk all over you and others than it is to drop to their level and give them their own medicine. Cause.. They won't learn anything if you just show love and they kill you and laugh and move on. Sometimes you gotta defend yourself or you won't live long enough to share your loving message. True love is defending yourself and others I think.
Or you can do both. :) One of the important lessons to learn in life is that it doesn't ever have to be all one or the other with love and hate. They can co exist. You can both love and hate another or many others. If you want to of course.. And I think hate exists for a reason as well, when people do horrible things you should get upset, that seems human to me.. Which is why I hope I never lose that, but.. The more spiritual I get.. Maybe I will.. My mother is like that.. She doesn't see any good or bad and believes a lot of the same kinda things you say. I'm open minded to it.. But I still believe this way right now.
Much love homie! I look forward to interacting with you more in the future and seeing more of your artwork. You seem like a really good natured and honorable kind of guy! :) And I appreciate that. Peace.