I documented the creation of my latest painting really well this time. That's rare for me, because I forget to take pictures at the heat of the action. Which is good, because more forgetting means less mind interference, which means better art. I hope you enjoy this thought step by step. And then we can talk about Veneration. And yes we will talk about the virus too.
It's gonna be all about Vs today: V for veneration, V for Vendetta and even a little shitty v for the virus
Veneration is not a word we hear that often these days. Some would call it archaic. Me personally, I love that word.
Veneration is all about ancestry and lineage. It's about dropping your selfish little view point and realizing that you are not alone, never were, and never will be.
All that we have now, all our achievements, comforts and conveniences, collectively or individually, we have them because we picked up where our ancestors left of. And I do not only mean the ones who walked in our 3D drama on Earth. In case of lineage, I am talking about fractal line of Universal consciousness, which also resides in dimensions beyond our linear concept of time. Our lineage is coded within us in its entirety all all times. It's only question of time before we tap into its power and wake it up from dormant state.
In short: We Are Standing At The Shoulders Of Others, At ALL TIMES.
That's a great reason for being humble right there.
Name one thing you could have achieved in life "on your own". From day 1.
Good luck:)
More about the Spiritual Meaning of Veneration later. Now let's hear what I have to say about the corona virus fear propaganda and then we'll see the painting process.
I have been very inspired lately (as you can see), keeping myself clean of low vibes. Today I am sharing not only my latest painting but also few useful links that I recommend you to watch. We are being bombarded with massive piles of lies about the v thing and it is directly used against us as mass fear weapon, with great success so far (as I can see and hear all over). I do not believe any of the corporate media propaganda obviously, because same as the v thing, it's has been meticulously designed to push globalists' agenda with no good intentions for humanity (remember the swift globalist push of anti-institutional laws that screwed us all up after 911,which of course was an inside job). Meditate, elevate, use your divine intuition and discernment and you shall see clearly that the v thing is not what they tell us it is. As any other planned global threat, it is used to keep us in fear frequency and divert attention from the real issues that the ruling criminal class created (such a global poverty, debt and broken economic system by installing the criminal institution of central banks to name just one) which they will now will cunningly blame on the "v thing in" order to push even worse globalist "martial law interventions", to steal more of our freedoms and destroy the public wealth. Every move of globalist elites is always and exclusively about more centralization and more control over us, because they are scared of us, because YES WE ARE AWAKENING from the fear frequency . They need the v thing that's why they created it, they need wars, they need us to panic so they can continue controlling us. Do not do any of that, stay centered in your heart and tap in your inner peace. Cut out alcohol, connect daily with nature, exercise, connect with your spiritual community, buy some organic Chaga for a peace of mind of you are really scared of the v. Do not share their fear articles, that's what they want you to do. All manner of things shall be well (Julian of Norwich), even this is inevitable part of Gaia's metamorphosis to an enlightened planet, which is our true destiny and CANNOT BE STOPPED. Birthing pains have barely started but such is the way of things when we cling to the old and refuse to clean our inner fears. They know it, but they still trying hard to maintain the slavery system (mind control) going. The only v I care about is the one I am sporting on my new T-Shirt, and that's the V for Vendetta. We are coming for you grey eminence, the evil scumbags pulling the strings of enslaved humanity. Your hate will be obliterated by the fire of our LOVE. 🔥💚 <3 We will make it folks, just let go and trust Universe & year inner self, not your government and TV. Peace 🙏 Few links that will make you reconsider what the v thing really is, worth all your time:
1.how strangely related to 5G deployment timing, isn't it:
- Why does Mike Pompeo refuse to answer if the v is a hoax?
Do you really think that all these 33 are a "coincidence"? lol
https://www.youtube.com/watch…And of course, same as Kobe Bryant's helicopter crash, even the v thing has been predicted years ahead by Simpsons (they are really having jolly time fooling us, so stop consuming the TV programming !! ) :
It all started as purple mess (insert the emoji with the guy lifting his hands here)
Turtle appeared in the primal mess. Hello:)
Seems like Madame Turtle won't be that lonely anymore!
Figures still bear raw funny shape. You gotta love the beginnings!
Look at this! We got two more passengers on the trip!
Working on making the colors alive and putting the vegetation in. My favorite part of the painting process!
Let there be light!!! Everything always changes with light. My strong side.
And now back to Veneration.
My contemplation of this word is derived from the beautiful wisdom of Gene Keys, which I studied for past 4 years.
If you have no idea what are Gene Keys, do yourself a favor and check out:
This is my contemplation of GK 32 (failure-preservation-veneration) through my art, my evolution GK. I noticed in Deep Dive that many of you have it in activation sequence.The dilemma of this GK is "panic" and I can feel that very clearly now in my everyday life. Panic always seeks some kind of completion through hectic acts and the root cause of it is of course...fear of death (holding onto separate identity). The programming partner of 32 is 42 (expectation-detachment-celebration) and both of these are strongly related to death itself. I tasted that fear first hand on my journey, faced that shattering frequency many times and stood at the abyss, which I knew that if I had enough courage to take the leap and die, I'd come back shining with Veneration and fear burned out of my system. But that leap is indescribably difficult when we still hold on to...anything really. The act of letting go is like commitment. 99% is the same as 1%. It has to be a clean cut, and that's why Death is so beautifully uncompromising (and generous). Gift of PRESERVATION is a magnificent gift once understood and embraced.
For me that gift starts birthing when I stop the panic moves (I do many :) ), pause, and pick up a brush. I have to break the wall of resistance, it does take a huge push of will sometimes (luckily my Core is GK 9, gift of DETERMINATION), but when I ignore my mind's screaming and just start moving my brush on canvas, I feel the panic slowly transform into lush zen garden where everything shines and nothing rushes, everything is perfect and nothing can FAIL. The only failure really is the failure to LIVE WELL, as Richard points out. Not the failure to thrive on material level, which again is so closely related to 32-42 combo (money) because money is nothing but our shadow's belief/way to buy time (fear of death). When I pick up the brush and break the resistance of the panicky mind, it's like another person started living through me, it's like living two lives in one body, it's like day and night. I quite often experience that shift several times in one day. I now understand that PRESERVATION is about picking ONE THING that is worth preserving and pouring your heart in it. That's it. That simple. It changes EVERYTHING.
Preservation is such a beautiful gift, and all of you have it in you. It knows exactly what/who to let go and what/who to keep and make flourish. The key here is to let go of unimportant stuff. I am still learning this the hard way (with 56 (shadow of distraction) as my Pearl I really do get it :) ) but finally finally grasping it: I can't do it all. I can't have it all (that's a paradox because after giving up feeling of completeness comes), I need to cut out the inessential (harmful) and graft the new on the old (which comes naturally to this gift), so the same old wisdom can express itself in the "new" way relevant to our times (thus "living wisdom"). What comes after that is the dawning of VENERATION through the whole ancestral lineage, but I have not gotten that far although I sometimes feel its perfume from afar. Or so I fancy myself thinking.
Thank you for reading and contemplating with me. Where did your contemplation lead you recently?
Stay happy and peaceful and remember: virus lives in your head and the cure resides in your heart. You are immortal cosmic being and you did not come here to add to Earth Drama, but to soothe it.
So Much Love your way!
Big Hugs,
Sporting my new t-shirt inspired by V for Vendetta (which in turn inspired the painting of the pyramid of cards that's on it)
Man, that is yet another master piece of colors, light and love. I see myself sitting there in harmony, on the turtles back.
Regarding Coronavirus: Bill and Melinda Gates have married exactly 311 months before the first case was reported, a super cabalistic number. And 1 month and 13 days or 113 before the outbreak they have organized a Coronavirus simulation, called Event 201 - A Global Pandemic Excercise, with the John Hopskins institute, where the consensus was more power to the government. Just like the outbreak was 1 year and 13 days (113) before the next total solar eclipse on 12/14/2020, which is the exact midpoint between the two Great American Eclipses, that create an X over the USA. Today is 3/11/20 - 3 months and 11 days after the outbreak.
From the first Wikipedia entry on the "Corona" page to the Coronavirus outbreak are 17 years and 311 days.
And from the Simpsons episode S22E06, which you have highlighted above, with a Chinese virus, to the Coronavirus outbreak are 9 years and 11 days, for the Revelation 9:11 code, the golden ratio cut of the book of revelation. And from The Simpsons episode 505 (S23E19), with a virus on a cruise ship, to the Corona virus outbreak are 91 months and 2 days - or if we acknowledge the time difference between China and the USA, 91m 1d, for yet another 911. If we do that, we also realize, that it was 11/30/2019 in the USA, when the virus came - yet another 113/311.
Thanks for great comment bro, some scary stuff, but that's nothing new on the Earth Puppet show! Much Love!
Great work and super post - there is material for several separate posts in this one.
This is the best Quote EVER! You said in a few words what took me endless arguments and subsequent postings, and still not getting to a conclusion!I agree about the Corona Virus hype - I just posted about my end of it in Austria, but it is in German: Angst und Schrecken - das Coronavirus geht um - und somit auch die Volksverdummung Fear and terror - the coronavirus is going around - and with it also the stupidity of the people - unfortunately, there are untranslatable puns in German, so Google translate is only marginally helpful.
Thanks brother, much appreciated!
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Magically beautiful and deep painting!