Why the heck do I paint Buddha?

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Hi. I’m Jan Kasparec. Pro artist since 2011. I mean I paint since toddler age, but in 2011 I stopped working for corporations and embarked on this adventurous journey called “Full time artist”. I paint to awaken humanity from the dream of fear and separation. It’s about time we f…g wake up humans! But let’s not talk about me as much this time. Let’s talk about the big boss and why I paint him: The Buddha.

Most people associate Buddha with Buddhism. I think that Buddha would have a good laugh at lots of Buddhist rituals, structure and hierarchy that was created around his message. Although nothing compared to shock that Jesus would have if he was to come back and see what became of his teachings. Buddha got the easy ride on this one. For reasons I might elaborate on next time.
So why does Siddhartha appear so often in my work? Well first of all I get the visions in my meditations and I later paint them. They are given to me. I do not “think” them into existence. But the main reason why I paint Buddha is because he was a rebel. He actually achieved the highest rank of rebellion (or rather “rebelhood”) that one can achieve. He alone made the status quo crumble to dust. And that’s a feat I am ready to shower with love and admiration. You see, Gautama Siddhartha was a regular dude like me and you. He didn’t posses any extraordinary powers. What he had was one bad ass determination, focused to answer the fundamental question: Who am I? Question that should be on top of the interest list of all of us. The answer to that question came as a realization of his true nature which stripped away all the illusions (together with all suffering) created by mind. In other words: he conquered his mind. Once that done, there’s not one thing left to rebel against. Life just unfolds. It just is. In all its vibrant beauty.

Some think that by voting Trump they showed a middle finger to the establishment. I wish it was that easy to bring down the beast. Any action that hands over your personal power over to an external entity is an act of voluntary enslavement, which is quite opposite to what I’d call a rebellion. Such as “choosing” your president in an entirely corrupted system (beast). What I call the beast is basically the fear based illusion that we’ve all been indoctrinated with since birth in which almost everybody believes and thus keeps it alive and thriving. You could also call it Matrix. And it is very real. Stop in your tracks for a minute and look around carefully: everybody is in a rush to get somewhere, but nowhere closer to their innermost Truth of lasting fulfillment. Do you really think we come to this planet to defeat our enemies, run after money, fame, academic title, recognition, pretty partner or just to “survive”?
The only way out is the seemingly least effective and definitely the hardest one to undertake: to take the journey within your infinite divine self. How? By showing a middle finger to your own mind. By going beyond it, by disassociating yourself from the ceaseless chatter in your head that you have mistaken for your own voice. By learning how to silence your thoughts and question your beliefs, judgments, your entire “tree of knowledge”, including your idea of “self”. By learning how to sit still on your own and still be in a great company, beaming with inner joy.
That’s a tough one I know. But from my own experience it is the only mission worth every effort, every drop of sweat, every breath you have. It will give you a new life. It will give you a new pair of eyes on a planet of blind ones. It will give you true freedom and true love. It will give you the ultimate winning lottery ticket: the life of the one who does not want anything from life because you already have it all (and always had, you just forgot). And eventually, it will save humanity. Through the individual rebellion of every single one of us. And when I say rebellion, I don’t mean to march in the streets. I mean to face every aspect of your dominating mind – in stillness and peace.

Peace and Love for your inner work brothers and sisters, this world is OURS TO HEAL! Through healing of our minds.

May all the indoctrination systems (political, educational, religious..) which has enslaved us further to the dream of fear and separation, be replaced by true spirituality - LOVE, JOY, ABUNDANCE, UNITY.
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
And so be it!


Brilliant Paintings! Simply said: WOW! ...And from the misty isles of Haida Gwaii, namaste :)

Amazing work Jan, resteemed and Tweeted on @Steemit Twitter.

steemit Steemit tweeted @ 01 Dec 2016 - 03:25 UTC

Why the heck do I paint #Buddha? @Steemit by @JanKasparecArt #Art #Painting #Anon steemit.com/art/@jankaspar… https://t.co/K2CletZ5TL

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Thanks Randy boss! You rock it brother!

Takes a lot to get me to comment these days. Good work, all around.
Followed and resteemed.

Thanks you dear brother Wolfe. Much appreciated! Followed back!

Amazing right? He is so talented.

your artworks are amazing.

and yes, i do agree with you regarding how Buddhism has become a ritualistic religion. especially in Singapore (where I'm from) and I would believe many Asian countries, where Buddhism is combined with influences of Taoism and Chinese practices.

wishing you love and peace.

Nice that you are here again :-) Re-steemed :-)

Congrats my friend @jankasparec even your reputation score looks much better.
Hope we will enjoy more articles from you.

This is some amazing art and thoughts. Congratulations.

Reblogged, gladly and from my heart.

All the best!

@ervin-lemark thank you brother much appreciated! <3

I`m impressed with all the beauty you paint @jankasparec Welcome to Steemit ;)

@jankasparec, welcome to steemit. I'm @runridefly, and I will be following you on #steemit. Looking forward to future posts.

@runridefly thanks so much for your support! I will try to post regularly!

Great work! Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks a lot!

I think you well developed your story from Buddha. I follow you to enjoy your work. STEEM ON!!

Well put together, Thank You for this post

Amazing work! I really like the first one!

Wow, these are fantastic, and great writing too.

Good post. I resteemed it.

WOW!! You are one great artist. Love Your work!

Beautiful art with beautiful accompanying narrative. Thank you for sharing, and welcome to Steemit.

Thank you Amy! <3

zvuči ko slovensko ime :D sounds like Slovenian name :D Your work is stunning, sir! keep up the good work! it has so much positive energy in it!

I am originally Czech. So not far and from the big Slavic family <3 Thank you and Much Love!

Yes, Your name sounds like Slavic totally, I'm in that family to :) greetings from the capital of Croatia and much love!

Love your work! Upvoted and Reblogged

Always love to see your creativity in action! Found this through your facebook - not only have you offered some new creativity but you helped me to discover Steamit! Thanks Jan!!!

Greg brother! That is always great to hear. Welcome and please be creative, cause YOU ARE! <3

Good point, except Sidhharta was prince hehhe not like common ppl. First painting is really cool.

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