A little painting about mood swings

in #art5 years ago

Depression Painting THing.jpg

I go through mood swings, have for years, sometimes severe and sometimes close enough 'normal', or at-least what my baseline used to be, that I can carry on with things without worrying or thinking about it.
The lows can be very low, no appetite, lethargy, just wanting to sleep, not able to get out of bed, social withdrawal, paranoia and I think you get the idea...
The highs, which can start at any moment, even from a low, can be heaven, energetic, social without effort, feeling like I don't need to sleep as much, productive, new hobbies, new projects, high sex drive and a kind of bubbly happy mood....

So bearing that in mind here's the painting I made to depict myself in a low, art is up for interpretation so I won't explain all the (few) elements to you. enjoy.