Learn to draw : A lonely Castle [from a speed drawing on Youtube]
Once my husband challanged me if I could draw a castle from a speed drawing video on Youtube.
The first question that came into my head was could I do it? I didn't draw for a long time...jeez...it must be hard like a coward person.
After seeing the video that he wanted me to draw, with my truly brave heart (?) I decided not to accept his challenge. why? would you? because I have never done a digital art before...look at it and tell me what you think
Yes, for me who haven't drawn for a long time (aproximately 7 years) due to studying real hard made me feel less confident, and feel quite down knowing that I doubt myself to start drawing again..
However my husband didn't stop his idea just that, to get me to draw again he had to force me to do it, he said that I would thank him once I finished it...well we will see

I started off by splitting my screen into 2 parts, one for my work space and another for the original video.

I follow exactly as what the original artist did in his video, all the details..yep actually most of all the details.

The more I draw the more I realise that I'm not that bad at all. It really warms my heart thinking like this.

Here is the end result...what do you guys think?? kind of cool isn't it? not perfect but who knows what truly the perfection is like really...

Thanks to my husband for recognize my talent and encourage me to do it.
Thanks to Steemit for being a space where I can express my feeling, a platform where I can present my work and a community where I can enjoy :)
Here is one of my favorite song of my favorite artist, Avicii, his song is a fine encouraging medicine for my life.
Impressive stuff, I love digital art, although I will stick with my airbrushing for now. Following you for sure
@jwmackay thanks! I'm new to this thing..getting a response back really drives me forward. You art is super cool, you got my follow back already