What a wonderful post! I love the photos of the kids who found your art (which is also wonderful, by the way!)
I actually do this from time to time with my handmade pebble pendants and mandala stones, but I had no idea there was a movement dedicated to the idea! I'll be following and cheering you on for sure!
With love,
Jay x
(Here's the kind of thing I randomly leave laying around on park benches, dry stone walls and windowsills):
Wow! These are so pretty!! ♥
Thank you <3 I LOVE painting them!!! :D xx
Thank you <3 I LOVE painting them!!! :D P.S. I'm a homeschooler, too (well, unschooler!) xx
LOVE! I’d like to see some of your pentants. Is there a free art group in your area?
Thank you - that makes me happy :) I have never heard of the idea before, so I don't know whether we have free art groups. I doubt it, this being rural England, but I'll look into it :) You can see more of my stones (including pendants) on their Said In Stones Instagram and also in my store on Etsy. Hugs! Jay x
Wow! I love your color combinations! Your work is wonderful. Anyone would love to find one of those! Thanks for sharing. :)
Thank you! I've given stuff away free for years and years, since WAY before I decided to start selling my art, and I'm also basically incapable of sending out anything purchased from me without including a surprise freebie extra - like you, I just get a huge kick out of it :o) xx