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RE: Vaping Lady

in #art8 years ago

I am in love with those black/ yellow paintings, and without the desciption my thoughts would have imagined something totaly different! great work :) always excited to see more from you :)


Ignore the text, what would you have imagined?

even if it is totaly different it remainded me of the great book "the alchimist" by paulo coelho. I am seeing the main character lying in the sand of the sahara, at the end of his strength and looking at the pyramids. The point, where he finally reached his life goal and succesfully followed the way his soul was leading him :)
I hope you know the book already, if not i highly recomend it!

I have laid down on a sand dune in the sahara watching the stars fade and the sun rise, maybe that moment founds its way into this work -waiting for the right person to see it.

In some way it definitely did, if not for you then for me :) I have to read it in english!
could I get your opinion on my work? It's not abstract, but i hope you'll like it aswell!

Very cool work- your blog is doing well, you've made a great start on here.

Sorry to interrupt....I saw two people kissing, lol.

I can see that!