Visiting an aurora borealis.
Daniel left work very late, went to a nearby bar to have a few drinks, I wanted to release some stress for so much work and worries, I drink many more glasses and his mind got confused.
He left the bar with a drunkenness and wanted to get into his car but some people did not let him, stole and hurt him, leaving him on the cold pavement.
Some people saw him there and called emergency in a few minutes Daniel was on his way to a hospital.
While the paramedics stabilized him Daniel felt that he was floating, a kind of power took him out of this earthly world.
When they arrived at the hospital the doctors took the case, Daniel heard in the distance the doctors talking saying that he was very serious, that this wound was mortal.
While Daniel fell in great regret for his actions, he regretted having stopped at the bar and drinking so much, had he not gone straight to his home and embraced his beloved wife, oh what would be of her without him ... His soul floated reaching up to the sky, everything around him was black with many stars, he felt so much peace, it was the most beautiful place that his eyes had seen, I cry and thanked God for his mercy, for sending him to such a place.
In that he felt a force that took him to an aurora borealis
A huge, beautiful boreal aurora, with bright, vibrant colors, could walk among it, touch it and enjoy it, it was a unique experience, when I walked between those lovely corridors I heard a voice, it was the voice of his wife, who shouted his name and cried , he felt so much despair and an electric force that made him descend, as he could he opened his eyes and saw his wife, who was giving him the most enormous of his smiles, his eyes full of tears and said welcome to life, the doctors said that you were dead but you returned to my side.
Daniel could not talk but he understood that he had lived an experience at least, had visited a Northern Lights and had a second chance.