A proposal.
I was upset, the economic crisis and the recession had me on the verge of broken banking.
I decided to have a few drinks alone, thinking about how it was possible that in the fall of my life, I was so broken.
Next to me sat a very young and cheerful man who after a few drinks and telling us part of our lives made me a tempting proposal.
That passing a suitcase to another country would earn me a good sum of money.
I went home analyzing the proposal, I never worked outside the law but my economic situation was driving me crazy.
I went to bed, tried to sleep but the proposal hovered in my head, I had his number written down on a napkin, I slept thinking about this.
Suddenly I saw myself walking in a large airport, but it emptied ... I carried a suitcase in my hand, which weighed so much, made me sweat ... I wanted to ask where I was, but I couldn't find anyone, the suitcase was getting more and more Small but the weight increased, I wanted to drop my suitcase and I couldn't, suddenly many policemen shouted at me as a smuggler, threw me on the floor and kicked me.
As I could I escaped so much aggression and ran, ran and ran, but I stopped because before me some bars, some tubes
were growing, they were locking me up, in the distance you could see the airport, you could see freedom, and I could not return, I was in prison .
I woke up sweaty, tears ran on my face, it was such a real dream, it was a sign of what could happen to me if I made a bad decision, in my hands I still had the napkin with the number that I broke in into small pieces, swear not to return To think about the possibility of doing something that would attempt against me, I am also too old to be a smuggler and fall for such a proposal.