To the moon with his flying vehicle.
There was once a very creative and lonely child, who was so depressed because his mother had died.
His father who understands and supported the child always tells him that his mother now lived on the moon, that when he missed her he looked to see the moon and would see his mother.
The boy grew up hoping to hug his mother again, he wanted to reach the moon.
It was so that he began his project to create a flying vehicle
Gradually the parts were created, what began as a small project was perfected and improved.
His friends, neighbors and his father supported him, they were all impressed and proud of the flying vehicle the child created, although they did not believe they would fly.
Years passed and the boy became a man, who still struggled to realize his dream of flying, he already knew that he could not hug his mother on the moon, but he wanted to fly, he wanted to reach the moon.
His now elderly father struggled to see his son fulfill his dreams.
Father and son were joining parts of the vehicle and everything was fitting perfectly
Father and son after years of sacrifice, support and commitment managed to assemble the flying vehicle, to his surprise he really flew.
They did not hesitate to take a turn and could prove that the engine was so strong that it could fly very high
So high that it reached the moon, the little boy fulfilled his dream of reaching the moon with his flying vehicle.