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RE: CONSCIOUSNESS - my painting - 2016 - photos with details included

in #art7 years ago

Yes. I know. I was thinking what to write about this piese for a long time. And rather did not write anything. Why? My bastract paintings are mostly scenes of what I saw if I connected to "parallel reality". I found out, that all things like emotions, thoughts, cosmic principles etc. - untouchable things, we could see them by "third eye" or I don´t know how to name this process of seeing of invisible. Shortly, It´s too complicated to describe these scenes. This painting... I feel that conscousness in general demonstrated to me in this combination of symbols and I still try to understand... I´ll try to describe, what is by me interesting: the centre is like indefinite mass like crystals with golden ring and connected by four ways to surroundings through mass of colorful stones. This is like map of human´s psyche. The small head on the left has small crystal above the head and higher is blue triangel. I think that it is symbol of possibility to extend our cosciousness higher and that triangel reminds me of the three unity of God. I hope my explanation is at least a bit clear. Please understand that if author set name of abstract painting, it enforces some idea to viewer and that he or she may not see what he/she could....... It is different if painting is more symbolic like this, than every discussion is welcome. Thanks for that.


I totally understand this. You cannot fully convey in words what the painting will do. It will convey something different for you, the creator, than it will for outside viewers. Leaving it untitled is a good idea.