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RE: Mocafurbs - an animated short film by yours truly & it's Making Of

in #art7 years ago

Oh my gosh, thank you so much!
This really means a lot to me, as my main goal on steemit is to bring animation a bit more into the spotlight and hopefully get people interested in the thing I love most in the world by writing informing, educational and hopefully interesting articles about this modern artform. ♡
Yes 2D isn't very mainstream anymore, and it's tough to get a job in it at the moment, but it's very far from dead! (hmmm.. another post idea perhaps? haha)

And.. just... wow. thank you so much. I'm very critical of my writing (and my art XD ) so to hear that my writing is good is butter for my ego :P

I would absolutely love to be featured in one of your Authors showcases, I just had a brief look at your link and I'm truly honoured that you feel my post is worth including. These are some seriously top knotch posts. (I know what I'll be doing all day tomorrow... checking out all the awesomeness ♡ )
Please feel fee to quote/include anything you like.

I'll also drop you a line on Discord.

BIG FAT THANK YOUUU~~~ once more! ♡


This is one of the best articles, I have ever seen on steemit and This since June 2016!
Go Girl!
I fell in love with those furry balls 🌷
Wirklich toll und außergewöhnlich, was Du da machst.You make us #steemit-austria “Gang” so proud Jill!!!

That is high praise indeed!
I shall strive my best to keep more good content coming! ;D Though I don't have that much more animation in store haha bit of a time consuming art after all.
vielen, vielen dank, schaun wir mal ob ich nicht Österreichs erste richtig berühmte animatorin werde hahahaa das ist jedenfalls der traum.
also nicht "berühmt" unbedingt aber Disney-Pixar ist das ziel! ;D Und soweit ich weiß gibt's da noch keinen Österreicher :Paweeeeeee Thank you @mammasitta ♡ ♡ ♡

Funny #writing -- like when u replied, " to hear that my writing is good is butter for my ego". Ha !

Never heard that one before. GOOD LUCK with the Authors showcase -- and CHECK Out my reply (BELOW), as I answered 2 of yr Feedback requests


Hahaha I believe that's probably because it's a direct translation of a phrase I say in German XD I am not a native speaker after all, and borrow from German quite often. :P
And thank you~~! ♡

WOOHOOOOO! * bounces and runs to check it out *
.... ..... .....
I love it ♡ Thanks so much again! :D