hahaha awww "I'd rather go home and watch Mocafurbs" XD omg haha I hope one day people will actually say that. kinda like "I'd rather go home and watch Duck Tales." fuck yeah!
nice post as always man.
Though... it's a bit... more superficial than usually tho..
I mean.. there's kind of... like.. a lot more that goes into leading the audiences eye, and also you didn't really mention the problem that most junior animators have way more often than "not animating enough", which is totally overanimating secondary characters.
They need to be kept alive, yes, and if you can support the main action with them, even better, but one of the human brains main properties is that it automatically likes to look where the most movement is.
(this is why when there's a TV screen in a pub, you feel compelled to look at it. it's also why I HATE Tvs in pubs -.- )
So you have to tone the secondary characters movements waaaaayyy down in order not to distract the eye away from the main action, while making sure they don't look dead.
You did speak about keeping the balance, and I think that is what you meant? It just wasn't suuuper clear this time... :P
Ah yes!!! I have not properly explained that side of what the secondary characters ought to be doing. Haha, must've slipped my mind. I kept thinking I did talk about it. But totally agree with you. Gotta screenshot your explanation for my next article or edit this post with it ey? :D
Hahaha up to you my friend, up to you :D