This is one of my paintings, titled Black Madonna. The artwork was made as a digital painting with Corel Painter and a Wacom Tablet.
About the artwork:
There is a lot to say about the archetype of the Black Madonna. It is an archetype in many ways closely related to the Magdalene and even in some ways Kali. In ancient religions the fires of Truth have always been upheld by men and women both, making a perfect dance and balance of the masculine and feminine. But in our modern society, for a very long time the role of Truth bearer is one that has been granted authority to men only, and women of spiritual power have been stamped out. Once a perfect balance demonstrated by the tantric power of the union of Christ and Magdalene, the patriarchal dominion of church almost erased the symbol of the Magdalene, the high priestess, and with it everything she embodies. Under the foot of the patriarchy there is friction, as the potency of the feminine rises to acknowledgement once again and threatens to burst through the cracks of dominance like lava erupting out of a volcanic womb. The Black Madonna to me embodies this sacred wound, this shadow, that is carried by the feminine in this day and age. It is powerful, and it is worth feeling threatened by, just as one can be awestruck by the force of a tornado and the many destructive powers of our Mother Earth. But also this arising force is supremely necessary, the evisceration of so many oppressive and harmful dogmas so in need, that I believe this is an archetype worthy of reverence. Behold the beautiful darkness of the Black Madonna.
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very nice. There are people who claim that Magdalena was a sexual healer who knew the secrets of toastical sexuality. But the Bible then stamped her as a whore. Or that's true I do not know but I think it's a fascinating theory
Great post! follow,upvote ,resteem and comment @roba I'll do the same for you.
Beautiful.. I look forward to sharing this with a friend who will really appreciate it. We are working on a proposal that speaks about the Great Mother, ISIS, Black Madonna, so she will dig this. If we have the opportunity to highlight your work through our project, I will contact you for permission and to co-create. Great work.
Wow awesome I am excited to hear about that.