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RE: 3d models

in #art5 years ago (edited)

If you wrote a bit more about your renders, (how you made them, why etc.) in particular some step-by-step images, you'd get a lot more people voting for you, I'm 100% certain of that!

I like your stuff a lot, the attention to detail is staggering.


Ive done that many times over the years even posted step by step renders and still get 1 cent lol

Scrolling through your blog, I kinda noticed that...

I'm just saying, people are more hesitant to vote for something that has the slightest chance of not being original. Posting step by step pictures provides the voter with additional confidence that your works are truly yours. There so much crap to wade through on this platform, that suspicion of plagiarism is the norm rather than the other way around. It shouldn't be that way, but unfortunately it is.

Personally, I like your stuff, so keep doing what you're doing, step by step or not. Either way, I'll be coming back to have a peek, that's for sure.