Let's bring back the memories of childhood on this artwork from Card Captor Sakura.
- Watercolor board
- Graphite pencil HB
- Gel-ink Pen
- Uni-ball Eye Black
- Oil Colour Set
- Blush
*I draw Kero-chan step by step pictures *
- I draw Kero-chan copy.
- Gel-ink Pen
- Oil colour set Lemon Yellow and blush 😂and Gel-ink
- Oil colour set Lemon Yellow + Titanium White and blush
- Oil colour set Lemon Yellow + Yellow Ochre and blush
- Oil colour set Scarlet + Titanium and blush
- Uni-ball eye Black
Hope you like it! Thank you!! 😊
#Art #Artwork #FanArt #Anime #Kero-chan #Drawing
Kero-chan, the cutest guardian ever! Nearly as cute as Maid-chan!
A really good drawing!
Thank you!! 😀