I'm pretty sure I know the cosmic character you speak of in Berkeley. We let him stay in a shed in our backyard for a while when I lived in Oakland if it is who I think it is. He is quite a character. That means you probably know many of my other friends/fam from out there and around the country. What a small world and a long strange trip it is.
Wow dude. Too much @jphenderson - we have a lot more in common than we knew before. You like the Grateful Dead. You lived in Oakland. You are into the occult...have you seen JRAD yet? (that's just an asside - I would not want anyone who loves the GD to miss out on JRAD...)
So kind of you to let that guy stay in your shed. You understand the Law of Correspondence. Some of the other people who have commented so far, obviously do not or have an idea that we are not all connected and that some people make grievous errors and have to pay for their results for the rest of their lives, with their lives...but that's why we are in the condition we are in today...because there are more people who do not feel a social responsibility to help others than do...
There are quite a few "cosmic characters" in Berzerkeley, as you know...so I am not sure it's the same dude...as you will see when I write part 2 of this story... I literally just asked him if he ever stayed in someone's shed and he said no one ever helped him that way, that he remembers (and that is a big qualifier because he has a huge scar on his back and he has no idea where it came from either) - but he did know a guy who lived in a large storage container on someone's property and he was envious of that cat... more to come...
You are from out there? Did you go to Berkeley High? I am from out there myself - I left in 1981 to go to New York City and attend art school... I lived in NY for 10 years, Woodstock for 25 years, and Denver for 11 years, with a few times I tried to back to Cali - once in 2003 and once in 2013, which hopefully was the last time.
I went to high school in Southern California but made it to the Bay Area shortly after. I travelled around for most of my adult life, mainly following the Dead but spent more time in the Bay Area and Northern California than anywhere else.
cool man we probably do know some of the same people. I wrote Part 2 but I did not get to what I thought I was going to get to...that will be the next installment.
Cool I will definitely read it.