Absolutely beautiful painting any little miss would love. I particularly like the colors, classic girlish. And of course, the fairies add a whimsical touch to the painting overall. Playful to have the fairies adjusting the headdress. I see the blue colored back board. But the only item I thought was a bit dark was the frame itself. It's the shade of wood in the frame. It goes pair well with the light brownish in he painting, though. Overall, it's a beautiful piece that I know she will cherish forever.
Thanks for sharing your step-by-step on how you accommplished your work.
Thanks for your great comment!
The frame is actually a reflective deep silver color, but in the photo it was reflecting some dark things around me. haha
Hi @offbeatbroad Thanks for your explanation. I see now. The deep silver does look like a blue. In any event, it's a beautiful drawing. You are talented, and I appreciate you sharing your work with us. I'll bookmark you so I can find you easily next time.
Have a great day, and take care.