Serie: Neural pathways "Connect with positive thinking, you will be stronger" (oil painting on wooden plank)

in #art8 years ago (edited)

When you start thinking positively. That creates new neural pathways in your brain. Thus developing the power to start new habits. New positive thoughts will encourage you to act. Start with positive affirmations that you feel. The positive emotion will bring goodness to your life (it's law) It requires exercise, but don't give up. life is good and magical.


The yellow background goes so well with the other colors.Good afternoon @kamiaan. Thanks for another one of your great paintings !

I agree with the positive thinking, also other people can inspire you into postive actions.
It happened to me on this platform.
My creativity is flowing way more then the past few month even years.
Yesterday I picked up my old camera and went outside to make some nice pictures.
I had a great time :)

thank you, idem dito.

demonopolisation feels good sukkerbergs nicking yer pix or clickfarming kids , this is the revolution
taking back our individuality.. hope 2 see some pictures soon then..;) grtnz

Looks very kaballistic tree of lifish, love it!

dank u, ja goed gezien, ik was er beetje door geinspireerd :)

pfew, gister nog mr ne schetse??!!
any of this linked met Omar , de "sjamiaan"?
ij regelmatig bezig over zn
khad u gistr wa vette hop van op dour 2017 gesprokkeld in mijne musicposts..chekkeuj ;)