Inspiration usually happens when we are involved in something, meaning having already started. It is process and dedication, meaning discipline, that tills the soil of inspiration. That is the difference between the amateur and the professional, the student and the master. One waits until they feel like doing it, and the other does it to get the feel.
Oh yes, that is the most important point. Brendon Chung of Blendo Games (a unique indie game maker "studio") described his process of coming up with all those extraordinary stuff with the following:
I agree 100% with Brendon. It took me years to figure that one out. But now that I have, its non stop. I phrase it this way. I have three rules:
It has totally changed the quality of my work and speed of my development.
The hardest part of it, surprisingly, is not just doing it, but giving up your pride in order to do something even if that's shit.
Pride, ego, is the first thing to leave out of the equation, it is the thing that takes us out of "the Zone."