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Yeah... I don't agree at all. You've got this half right. People who use bidbots aren't necessarily bad people, at best they just want to see legitimate ROI for their time, at worst they want to rape the reward pool. But the one group of people who are, and have been raping the reward pool, while providing a mechanism for (disproportionate) further removal of value by smaller accounts are bidbot owners. They ARE the ones causing the problem as it is now, and the age old excuse they use 'if I didn't do it someone else would' just doesn't cut the mustard.
All the bidbot owners are large stake holders, if they chose to shut down their bidbots they could easily police any new ones that arose. They choose not too because they're a bunch of greedy crooks, taking steem away from the pool through a mechanism that everyone agrees is detrimental to the platform.
Having said all that, I am using my free downvotes to hammer some of the shitposts on trending down. I understand that it is a fearful prospect to everyone to go after the real power behind the depreciation of value on steem.
I'll be using your great resource as it's intended to police bidbots abusers @katharsisdrill... hopefully soon someone with stake will grow a pair to address the problem at its root 👍
Good point! I actually agree, no need to make apologies for them. I'll fix it right away.
And fine that you are going to use it, that's why I made it!