I've been going through a slump of not drawing on my ipad air (after doing 10 days straight initially). The only other time was for the NFT I made for @nftshowroom but there's something incredibly satisfying about just drawing with no intention of making a profit.
Though I've had multiple friends asking about me making these into NFT's, I just don't know anymore. It messed with me for awhile about whether people would like my art enough to buy it, and I feel it deterred me away from the actual reason I started. To learn to draw. To be creative, and for it to be a form of self expression.
I thank @jongolson for buying my 1st NFT (he got a chunky dcity reward as a thank you) and my main man for getting shit done Seth Godin (https://seths.blog/). His new book "The Practice" is all about getting the art submitted and not becoming a perfectionist.
Anyways, hope you all had an amazing weekend.
Take care, honey bears - play @dcitygame
Love a sloth. @slowsundaygames are running a perpetual art competition for monsters and areas in their upcoming UnsungHero game. You'd only be competing for free starter pack, so takes some of the selling angst out of it. Between rounds at the moment, but worth watching and jumping in. -
oooh, I didn't see the comp. Think it ended but I'm hyped for unsung hero!
They're going to keep running them I think.
ah good to know, cheers
We will keep creating comps for the game, newest one just went live yesterday so check it out for sure. Would love some ideas from you!
Bro, that isn't up on NFT Showroom yet???
Show me the flying sloth!!!!!!
I'll think about it :)
Hee it's so cute XD
and reminds me a bit of the old Twitter failwhale
Draw whatever the hell you feel like drawing and chuck it on nftshowroom iff you feel like it afterwards XP Trying to decide what to draw to sell and if people will want to buy it sounds entirely too stressful and ain't nobody got time for that XD
I ain't about that type of life anymore!