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RE: Liberty, Original Oil Painting. My Very Own Da Vinci Code

in #art7 years ago (edited)

After reading what you wrote, I was looking at your picture, thinking about that Guy Fawkes mask. Then I saw my picture on the wall of my room, which I drew about 2 years ago and noticed that It has few identical parts with yours; a kinda floating tree in the middle; two things around the tree; light or a mask in the upper part. One could say its just a coincidence or something... maybe I am overthinking it... Oh and my apologies for comparing my little picture with your professional one =)
At the time of drawing it, I just let my imagination flow. Later on I started to understand few things about my life by looking at it. Anyways, it was a strange feeling when I thought about how my picture resembled yours in some way, that's why I decided to share my thoughts.Good day @jankasparec!

Btw, thanks for the feeling! :D


Hey bro good to read your comment. How should I call you? Khad or Khadni? Thanks for sharing your picture, there are definitely parallel elements to it. Have you heard about that phenomena when one flock of birds somewhere learns a certain behaviour and another flock of birds at the opposite side of the planet adapts it at the same time, but without going through the learning experience that the first group had to? As if they were connected. Well that might be similar. I truly think we're all connected on spiritual level, and that's why I always say that nothing belongs to me really. I just channel it from higher realms, same as you did with your intuitive painting. Great job bro keep it up!