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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Hello sir @xpilar, I try to describe my thought. I Hope its related.

First I have to say the initiative to listen to what was said and imagined by other steemian about digital art is very fun and useful. You get a lot of valuable input here. I like reading some of the comments and making it as inspiration in my posts. Thanks for that.

Well, about your digital art now, I like it because I'm glad you made nature as a digital art object. As a lover of nature, I imagine that the 4 elements here are an interesting blend. The Grass, the sand, the sea and the sky of different colors. Each implies a different life. The land inhabited by sand mixed with soil can give life to plants, the sea gives life to fish and other sea animals and the sky with the sun makes the colors varied. All are in the same planet, Earth.

All of this is dedicated to humans. As humans we are given the mandate to maintain it, when we are excited to see the beauty and naturalness, at the same time we have obligation to keep it, when the heart feels sad when nature is destroyed, at the same time the obligation comes and arises to us to repair it.

My best regard @khaimi

Posted using Partiko Android


Hi @khaimi

thanks for your thoughts and a nice description

say very Good.
Humans should protect nature,
Care for plants,
Not to destruction them.