compose virtually anything
===What are Troxes?===
Troxes are origami type of building blocks composed of triangular shaped cardboard or paper but actually nothing excludes the possibility of using harder materials like, comes to my mind, iron...:)) but we enter industrial territory here...
the triangular shaped component...a really well done article by the inventor Jonathan B.
By simply folding 4 of them together, which is the minimum required to built a Tetra Trox (gif above :)), in a simple yet ingenious procedure ,a single Trox is made that can fit/lock with more blocks giving you the freedom to create the shapes and form that you desire and thus the motto 1 shape, endless possibilities :)
Your first Trox might be a quest to make but all you need is practice.
OctaTrox is composed of 8 while Icosa of 20 the resulting shape depends only on how many pieces are used.
Now that you are familiar with the design let me introduce to you the originator of it all............
Square based blocks :))
Coffee tables :)
...Last but not least...........
...Even Tv sets :))
Now time for some
not blocks but still Origami....
Tell me what do you think ........
that's really nice. i think i will preorder one of those
good for you and the environment writing from a desk I made right now :))